Not the same thing in Brno at all. Lorenzo was slowly gapping him the whole race. By the end of the race Lorenzo was over 4 seconds clear.
Not the same thing in Brno at all. Lorenzo was slowly gapping him the whole race. By the end of the race Lorenzo was over 4 seconds clear.
From your unbiased point of view, can you point to one other race in Marquez’ career where he rode so close behind another rider and didn’t try a move? For the last 2 years he’s been nearly running into the back of everyone with his desperate maneuvers. In Philip Island, and Sepang, hardly a corner went by where he…
Exactly this. I can’t think of a single time in Marquez’s career where he hasn’t tried a boneheaded manoeuvre to get in front of somebody when he’s that close behind. If it had been Rossi in front of him, you can bet he would have tried a move on every single corner.
Don’t hold your breath. MotoGP is an “every man for himself” sport. Rossi may be a fan favourite just about anywhere in the world, but I don’t think he’s any more popular among his fellow racers than anyone else in the paddock.
agreed. Needs more S62...
Pretty sure this is just a P.R. move after all the backlash he’s received after his comments saying Rossi should be more severely punished.
Pridmore’s assertions are bang-on. One small thing I would question though. He figures, all things being equal, that Rossi would have finished 4th in Malaysia. I don’t know about that.
To be honest, I’m not really surprised. Marco Simoncelli received death threats when he accidentally knocked down Dani Pedrosa, breaking his collarbone. Rossi is way more beloved, and his title hunt is very close right now, and Marquez is being malicious.
I’m hoping for rain in Valencia. I think That could be the great equalizer that Rossi needs to work his way through the ranks. No doubt Marc will try to pull this garbage again, but I think he’ll have a tougher time of it in the wet.
“Having someone (Marc) who is not a contender for the title attempt to influence the outcome is just not right.”
Right on. Unfortunately people will still nitpick and miss the point of this article. People need to calm down and realize that they are not Judge Dredd. If someone is breaking the law (traffic or otherwise), it is neither your duty, nor your right to enforce said law. Report it to the authorities, take down a licence…
I don’t know what it is about Philip Island that produces such great races, but my previous all time favourite MotoGP race occurred there in 2001. After a group of 5 riders broke away for the first half of the race, a second group caught them with only 7 laps to go.
My E39 M5 has the Jailbreak tuning reflash, and it has reached just shy of 180mph. Mine cost $19,000CAD a little over 3 years ago, which is just under $15,000, not including depreciation...(or appreciation if you’re optimistic)
It looks like Will Stevens isn’t quite halfway through the “Fast and Furious” filmography.
Agreed. After he blitzed WSB I had high hopes for him in MotoGP. Unfortunately a string of bad luck and injuries put the kibosh on what could have been a fantastic career.
Probably true. He’s always tried too hard, and it shows. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Lorenzo fan, but I do enjoy him as a foil character to Rossi, and now that he’s won a couple of championships, he doesn’t take himself as seriously.
I used to think that too. I despised Jorge when he first came into the premier class. I thought he was cocky and self absorbed. Maybe he still is, but I do find his dry sense of humour hilarious. Especially his response to questions regarding the Rossi/Marquez clash at the Assen post race press conference this year.
Very true. While both series have turned into a single manufacturer race, they certainly have different flavours. MotoGP is so compelling (especially this year), and Formula 1 has really been lacking.
As a Rossi fan, I’m torn. This season has been fantastic, with so much wheel to wheel action, and I would love for the championship to come down to the very last corner of the very last race...