
The very next day, Sanders dropped a detailed racial-justice package on his website, appearing to concede to Black Lives Matter and also providing a written document that identified various effects of this country’s systemic, ongoing racism and offered the seeds of a plan to undo it.

without any context, it’s idiotic. I’m presuming there is a context, but it’s a middle-aged dad-movie reference or some other Deadspin nonsense?

That isn't mansplaining you boring tool. This isn't a gendered issue, unless you think that poor sad womenfolk are walking around being especially vulnerable to being weighed because of their poor sad fragile hysterical brains.

So, you drove an old car to a place of business, where people are doing their jobs, and expected them to salivate over it and you during their work hours?

I enjoy that if you follow this stream from left to right, you get the life-experience of your average Naruto fan.

I am going to SPECIFICALLY be THAT PERSON and voice what I know that at least 40% of you are thinking.

So I should play the first one?

Good lord. Demon Hunter looks like a Glam Rock Kiss Warrior as drawn by a colourblind ADHD kid obsessed with Spawn comics

God almighty, is every post you put on these pages some sort of nitpicky whinging? Christ. And I don’t know if you remember Kotor, but the UI was ugly. And I don’t know if you remember Republic command, but this looks A LOT like Republic commando. A few gauges, a few icons for your abilities, and then a little

That’s wrong, and your belligerence on the topic is making you seem dumb. Breaking your fingers is a matter of YOU not knowing what YOU’RE doing, making a wrong fist and hitting incorrectly. Even if you have no hand protection if you do everything correctly, you have a small chance of breaking any fingers, regardless

You shouldn’t really give fighting advice if you don’t know fighting. Everything you just said is fairly wrong.

Ears don’t knock people out. Ears just hurt. Hit them on the point of the chin, or the temple. Any of the points on the head that are farthest from the neck, and generate enough leverage that the force can’t be compensated for by neck muscles. If you can make the head whip in any direction, that’s generally a

I’m excited to see this show, but not excited to see Michael Showalter whine his way straight past our hearts, and through the asshole of our mind, to be shit out on the pile of I HATE YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP.

aah who even cares. deleted.

It’s hard to believe that here we are in 2015, and someone has to explain the difference between a wrestling stunt, and a genuine sport fight, but here we are... I guess...

What you could say is that Rousey transitioned well to more areas than Fuuji did. Both are grappling geniuses, but Rousey turns out to have a fairly natural striking and stand up ability, which Fujii never really did. And she welds different skills together a little better that Fujii ever did.

Your money is going towards 100% content now, so please look forward to the revised “stretch goals”!

Yes I’m aware you were quoting yourself. is there some sort of magic to that that remains unclear to me?

Well, congratulations I guess. You’re the kind of fan who dooms fighters to a 4-year career, ended by crippling injury, instead of a 15-year career ending in graceful retirement.

Bowling. Crokinole. Darts.