
It seems ironic to take your public statements down to 140 characters each, then use that terseness to tell elaborate justifications on "why I'm right", and "these are all the things my drunk, dickhead parents do", and then "why don't my parents like me"? A few years ago, this all would have been once concise

Remember that two cats means double the expenditure and twice the effort — don't be that person who assumes that adopting two cats means they will amuse and care for each other all day while you ignore them.

No, that never happens. Making people of a specific race look like that race without caricaturing them is always welcome, and I sincerely defy you to show me one example of when a tasteful rendering of a specific race is slammed.

Really, not just a well-thought out political and philosophical argument, but a strong and insightful piece of rhetoric.

YOU'LL PROBABLY WANT a water bottle, a towel, some pre-workout energy and a pair of sporty headphones. Working out requires energy, so a 5-hour-style shot or powder

Incorrect. Demographics don't translate in specific business plans. It doesn't matter that 64% of the population is white because you don't cover 64% of the population. Within each population group you have a defined and limited audience. It matters that you reach out to that group which might purchase your product in

Nonsense. You can't plan products based on changing demographics, while desperately trying to maintain your old audience. You move into the future, break open new ground and whatever parts of your old audience don't go with you - fuck em.

Wow, it's almost as if 50% of the children in america were girls. And that nearly 40% of the population are of ethnic minority origin. And maybe someone clued into the fact that breaking into a new audience, giving ethnic kids something amazing and fantastic to relate to, is slightly more valuable in a corporate sense

The only thing I found expressly awful about the Souls games was never the difficulty, or the time involved, or the death, but simply that when you start building a character without expressly focusing in one area, or focusing in the "wrong" area (i.e. magic) you reach a point in the game where the game itself starts

You know, as someone who doesn't really care, let me just observe sarcastically that I'm PRETTY SURE that car shows will survive. And that I'm PRETTY SURE that the world can produce another 60-year old sarcastic British drunk.

Alternate method: wait until you are hungry and eat broccoli until you are not hungry. Then hate yourself. Eat 2 dozen raw eggs every day for protein, but then drink chicken blood to make the eggs feel at home. Eat more broccoli. Feel bad. Learn to regard the sensation of hunger as a positive force in your life.

Hmm. One turn lasts more than 40 hours?

The headline to this post is 100% misleading, and 100% dick. Where did gawker media find you? Do they run a halfway house for people who are just out of jail?

That was a strange comment. People only mention the fakeness of wrestling in terms of it being not a competitive sport. The high quality of the stunts has always been pretty unquestionable though.

This easy and simple step requires little physical effort on your part. Simply show new people your genitals. This will put both your and your new interlocutor on the same footing. Both possess hidden genital knowledge. Coupled with how much this will unnerve the other person, it should go a long way towards

I loved these. I'm one of the seeming minority who considers this song to be pompous and overblown. No takedown can be too harsh.

So your assertion is that moving the joints of the body in ways that the joints have specifically evolved to move in, results in soft tissue damage?

"I see you warm your scones in the oven now? Well, back in 1943 my Jewish relatives were warmed in Nazi ovens until they were dead. What's up with THAT?"

This is what commitment looks like: it is not always a ring on a finger and an impossible promise of fidelity; it can simply be people promising to bend with each others' changes, no matter what they may be.

Considering his awful, degrading treatment of women, I think perhaps - we must.