Fist Beefchest

Anna Faris is a better Goldie Hawn than Kate Hudson could ever be.

The sequels are the best non-Asian martial arts tournament movies since Bloodsport. I like how the bad guy from each movie is the good guy in the next one.

Nope, I looked it up. Turns out Homer's Enemy really is one of the best episodes ever. Divisive, perhaps, but according to research, all the people who think it's bad are wrong.

I did the whistling belly-button trick at the high school talent show?

You can also watch the episode yourself.

I never saw this show. Did she really explain it all? Like, all of it?

The bigger news story here is that up until now, no one realised that R.E.M. is comprised of Stephen Fry, Moby, and Holly from The Office.

Yeah, I'd say Sheen Sheened Stamos better than Stamos Stamosed Sheen. Stamos had plenty of time to come up with that Stamosing, and it was decent, but Sheen's Sheening was off-the-cuff, efficiently brutal, and true. Sheened, bitch.

And fired guns (at least ones attached to his plane). Was he actually trying to hit the Joker in that bit? Because if he was, those are some shitty guns. If it was just intended to scare him, then that's a shitty idea too, because as Batman should know, Joker's a madman who'd probably find it funny to ponce about in

Catwoman's only an environmentalist inasmuch as she likes to protect cats. Talia's a bigger-picture enviro-nut, and would readily sacrifice a bunch of our feline friends if doing so would save a rainforest or something. But I guess such a situation is unlikely to present itself.

"Ken Tremendous"

Yes it is.


Er, if you want to avoid knowing things about a movie, don't read a full article and discussion thread about it? Mmm, yes, don't do that.

Good call on Peep Show. David Mitchell would be a splendid Arthur, I've always thought.

Except that his performance as General Melchett is one of the best in the history of British comedy.

If you think Dungeons & Dragons is a bad movie, you haven't seen Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God.

Yep, Peter is John's dad, and he helped out on Regeneration by doing the cinematography. As previously mentioned, the movie is miraculously good for a DTV Van Damme sequel.

I can't stand to fly; I'm not that naive. Men weren't meant to ride with clouds between their knees.

I'd say there's one exception to that, Gabby. He was very good in Secondhand Lions, but he couldn't quite nail a Texan accent. I read somewhere that they originally wanted Robert Duvall to play the Caine role, and Tommy Lee Jones to play the Duvall role, and I think that would have been an improvement.