
Congratulations to everyone. Especially happy for the Spinners.

Tori Amos next please

The only thing that’s lost its way here is the quality of the reviewers on this site. Truly the bottom of the barrel here.

Is it privilege if it’s earned? It’s not like she was born an heiress.

Man with a history of hate toward LGBTQ folks also has a history of sexually assaulting his male staffers.

Gorgeous women just love it when you ignore everything they say and focus on their looks.

I think Emma Watson also suffered from the Mary Sue-ificiation of Hermione in the movie series. In the Harry Potter books, Hermione is much more complex, and capable of almost sociopathic acts of cruelty. The movie made me into the much less complex “brains of the operation,” almost always better than Harry and Ron at

True and it’s not like she didn’t have to work hard for that money. Acting is hard work and Google tells me she was 11 when she made the first HP movie. I don’t think many of us can really picture working on an 8 movie series of the most popular book series of the time during our tween/teen years.

It’s really weird when people look at privilege in the lens of “oh, she doesn’t have to worry about money at such a young age.” when the trade off is to have the ENTIRE WORLD judge your actions and feel like they somehow know you. It’s leading to a ridiculous scenario whereby the amount of criticism the world should


I also like all these people implying that they would work if they didn’t need the money. 

Unfair. She seems like a decent enough person - a thing becoming more rare in today’s society of selfishness. No one is perfect.

Not having total control over everything is part of being an actor. They’re not the director, and they’re not the producer.

Well, 99.99% of us don’t have to answer “How does this align with your viewpoint?” when we go to work.
For most of us the answer is “I come in and do (something) for X hours and I get Y money, which I really don’t feel is enough, in exchange for it.”

Yes and no? I could see how the process of seeing potential in a script and then spending preproduction/production/postproduction watching things degrade as choices are made outside of your control, then having to spend the media cycle being the face of something that’s bad or even just-fine, that’d be really

Eh, I think former child actors get a bit of a pass there. Being able to step away from their profession and not starve is a privilege, sure, but for many of them the alternative is pretty unhealthy. And when you were a household name from the age of 10, your life wasn’t going to be comparable to most of ours anyway.

She made a shit ton of money from the Harry Potter films. She still makes residuals on the Harry Potter films. Her and Radcliff and Grint basically had to live their entire lives in a single franchise for a decade. If they all want to fuck off and do nothing for the rest of their lives (which, she’s doing other

Hahaha! What!?! That’s not that not what these new “rules” are meant to combat at all. The complete opposite actually. The Academy was pissed that private screening were being held rather than through there FYC streaming service, and PR companies that millions trying to get Oscar noms, and I’m sure their clients, were

She was a guest star in an episode of The Shield, and there’s a great moment where her character just turns on a dime and reveals this depth of depravity in a small moment.  It’s pretty good.

Melanie Lynskey is hot as heck and anyone suggesting otherwise can go pound sand.