As good a reason as any to post this little treasure:
As good a reason as any to post this little treasure:
Poor Riley Keough. I hope her father found her mother early enough so that CPR mattered, but she’s the one person in that family who seems to have successfully distanced herself from the drama - and now may have to make EOL decisions. Let’s hope not.
After the last year under the leadership of Warner Bros., this sort of feels like your landlord refusing to make any repairs all year and then delivering the news that the rent’s increasing expeditiously.
HBO & Warner are starting to go the way of Sears, taking a once great brand and ruining it through a merger. This CEO is only focused on short term gains by cost cutting.
I know this won’t move the needle for Republican law makers, but this is nevertheless a very powerful story.
That boardroom does seem to have a major disconnect between itself and reality, doesn’t it?
Sweet, I love paying more for less! Keep it coming please.
the biggest fear on the other side is ‘What if this is my last chance?’
Yeah it is very difficult and I am open to other reasoning on this. The problem is that the agreement can be made to ban the party who wants the child from contacting the uninterested party. But it cannot be made binding to the actual child. Parenting and responsibilities do not end with paying child support. No…
This is a nightmare scenario. I can see why deciding either way would be fraught. I think if one person doesn’t want to develop the embryos anymore then they should be destroyed. This is not like a forced abortion where a procedure has to be done to your body. Just like you can’t have forced births.
It is. It’s about $1-3 million/year. He could easily make that off investments alone, which is what Diana’s money for him did before he was old enough to access it.
I find the part about his “personal death toll” to be vainglorious (if true) or simply doubtful. It’s my experience that men who have served and actually killed people don’t like to talk about it, in fact, really resist talking about it.
IMHO Bald William looks good, and no I’m not bald.
First of all, Harry inherited about $11 million from his mother. He got more than his brother because she knew that William, as King, would inherit much more in the long run. I think two things can be true. William can be an entitled POS but so can Harry and he’s proved this with this. book. A lot of his gripes stem…
are you intentionally skipping over the part where they said they were beaten, or did you miss that bit?
A person like Harry cannot take on racism when he is still passing the buck on his own history of racism. Also, taking on racism is not what he is doing. He is having a public temper tantrum at his family and anyone he feels wronged by. The guy bitching over lip gloss is not doing anything for anyone other than…
One of the things he also said in either the book or the documentary is that he was “cut off” and then that “all I have is the inheritance from my mum” sooo yeah he has absolutely no concept of his own privilege or what it means to be truly cut off. It’s really baffling to me that he would complain that the palace and…
OK, the only aspect I care about at all is this:
What good are they actually doing? They spin themselves as philanthropists but they never want to actually give away any of their own money
I think the subtitle for this book should be: “’Spare’ or ‘Petty Stories Told By An Idiot Intent On Destroying Any Sympathy He Might Have Ever Had’”