
Not the point, but does it strike anyone else as paternalistic at best that these companies refer to the yoga teachers/influencers by their first names in their official statements?

So shoot me-I kind of fancy Mother’s work. She obviously hates that style of footwear as much as I do.

Damn, I want an emotional support hipster in the worst way.

It happened to me.

Homeland Security? Why are they doing the investigating?

That’s what I can’t figure out- I can tell you the preferred temp for any protein, and cook it to that temp, using the thermometer at the last minute just to check. Training and experience? Five years as a Sam’s Demo lady!

I don’t know. There’s a spidey sense telling me that just possibly the Trump people meeting with Mueller is to find out whether he should be planning his (sure to be dramatic) exit. Health concerns or whatnot.

If you sit around with a bunch of privileged folk and you happen to be white, middle class and a good listener, the dog whistle is obvious. People who own homes, with a good job (preferably white collar) can tend to think that they are paying the most, as so they should be the ones catered to. Give them enough time,

This Peg has been rage eating since November. Sadly, there are those old white bitches who are horrified that someone, somewhere People Not Like Them (PNLT) just might be expecting to be treated, well, like white folks.

Loved it. Make THAT movie.

As a Democrat, I hope not. As a human being, I certainly hope not.

Same here. Watched that movie with my folks and was terrified, but afterit was over Dad said the neighboring Air Force Base had weapons that would guarantee we’d be blasted. Volunteer firemen-all the dirt and comforting, too.

Good god, I’ve had both. Some things you just want to stay in the little box in the back of your mind.

Way better.

In all seriousness, I’m a vendor that does a fair amount of work in Target, and the employees I’ve dealt with would be the sort that would pick up the clues and take action.

I never, ever wanted kids, but it brings me joy to see people with their much loved kids. So you have them in any way that works for you. This world has always been crazy in some way, and probably always will.

Velux blankets. I loved those things.

Velux blankets. I loved those things.

My dog would never stop trying to get on that swinging couch. My 160 lb mound of fur and simple minded joy. What we could do in an hour in that place...

That was me and my Mom. Never feel badly-you were there when it counted.

I am so sorry about your kitty. So pretty and such a knowing look. :-(