A Bigeye Sprite, a Fiat 124 roadster, some PV444's, - all small, quick, delicate, fussy marvels - that and well graded gravel roads....Oh, and that growly 4 cyl. noise...
A Bigeye Sprite, a Fiat 124 roadster, some PV444's, - all small, quick, delicate, fussy marvels - that and well graded gravel roads....Oh, and that growly 4 cyl. noise...
This listing wins the wholeInternet, all over, forever!!!
Of course, the “Last Supper “ was painted 1400 or so years later by somebody who was not there...
Just wait. At the Convention, after he wins the Nomination, He will come to the mike and say” Live!, From New York, Its Saturday Night....”The ultimate fusion of reality and TV...
My mother always cut off the ends of a roast before roasting it. When I asked her “Why?”, she said thats the way her mother did it; When I asked Gran, she said “ I did that so it would fit in the pan I had.” So - Ends Meat.
VUDD-e, is sorta a reverso of VeeDub
Well, you could just run the algorithm, see who wins, and download the trophy and prize money. ( saves tires, fuel, noise, beer, etc.) If you know the input factors, you know the outputs...
Fastback windows that are mostly horizontal. Visibility do matter.
Gee. If I acted like that somebody would say “drunk”, or “substance abuse” at the very least - I’d personally go with deranged.
It’s not about the actual car, it’s the image /perception/ reputation.
Don’t forget buying a ton of bombs for every last person in Laos...
This. Best seats ever, room for stuff? Fast and comfy.
40 on a washboard Mojave road. TonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonkaTonka
Man, you should check the ads before you post - Poo-Puri?, really? Shittin’ pretty? really.
As they should.
Vinegar/Epsom salt and a little dish soap is a lot better weed killer thant that toxic grade you are offering. Just saying’.
Vinegar/Epsom salt and a little dish soap is a lot better weed killer thant that toxic grade you are offering. Just…
Part of what makes it “classless” is the lack of specifics - it’s not a Second Series MX3 P56b or
Unrelated input for you.