
The toe is being checked over. It was mailed back with an apology, packed in salt as is the appropriate way to store toes.

Someone new to a mining town, particularly in Northern Canada and Alaska.

Bro, look, it’s cold, we’re bored..and at the time these traditions were established there were more men than women, so hetero drunk dudes have to take what they can get. Sometimes it’s a toe, sometimes it’s a codfish, and they’re just lonely, okay?

Canada has laws based on whether it was protected sex or not, viral load, and type of sex. But overall, if you are HIV positive and know it, but your partner doesn’t, it’s classified as sexual assault as of a Supreme Court ruling in 2012.

When it hits 43C here, I lay on my bed and complain. Screw running in it.

That is a spanish thing, though they use coke.

I doubt it’s profitable, but how else will I, and dozens of others, look at bug and pigeon pictures if Tumbler shuts down?

No office job, but the office ladies at my work seem to get away with straight cut cargo pants and dress shirts. Government employees ( I live in a government town and scope people for dress clothes options cause my default is grubby redneck) seem to get by with dress pants, flats, and collared shirts in florals.

I have a fishnet shirt, but it goes over a tank top, under a shirt, and mostly doesn’t touch anywhere but arms. She was in full bodysuit. How do you pee? I think girls these days are very committed to things. I admire that.

I want the kind of self confidence that allows me to flash my bare ass around.

My father is the kind of man who will complain about missing work when he’s got pneumonia. The kind where, about 2 weeks after his cardiac arrest, he was curious about how work was going. He is the quintessential grubby redneck. But he will always give my sisters and I the last shot of rum if we are sick, even if he

Oh, I completely agree. If they felt in the least bit bad about sexually exploiting others, they wouldn’t go about doing it.

I had a prof in university who dealt with sex offenders for her “ real job”, with a specialization in paedophilia. She mentioned a dude who came in to her office who came in, looked her in the eye, and said he was sexually attracted to children, but it was wrong, what could he do? Buddy had a developmental disorder,

No, it means incorrect opinions. Dog training in the novel doesn’t work that way, and any professional dog trainer will say the same thing. Same for coporeal punishment- kids who are spanked are not less likely to become criminals.

There are hints that there is more to public service than the military, but Johnny isn’t interested, because he wants to impress a girl.

Wasn’t Heinlein pretty liberal himself, at least at first? He started going more right after his third marriage or something. So maybe he was trolling himself, as well as Cold War liberals. I like it.

Hummingbirds: healthier than cocaine!

I was thinking more “did you lose/ gain weight? Are you pregnant? You look tired!” to strangers.

My mother has a history of poor health, and has 9 of us. She will never admit it, but I think she regrets it.

Unless someone asks, I do not comment on their bodies. It is safer.