Ah, the lick test. My university has soil core samples harvested and mounted by an old school chap like you, and it is considered a university treasure, not to be touched directly on pain of death*
Ah, the lick test. My university has soil core samples harvested and mounted by an old school chap like you, and it is considered a university treasure, not to be touched directly on pain of death*
Tourism and stability. For example, Britain is leaving the EU. This upsets people in the EU. So the royal family can trot around, people look at them, and it provides a little bit more goodwill. Or, it gives countries a symbol to blame (Greece, for example) while the actual government members go and do the actual…
I kind of hope that turns out true. And with someone who isn’t typically attractive. I would be so amused.
I’d say yes, but I love “All in the Family.” this show was just boring. I’d even have accepted the premise- at first it seemed that the Tim Allen character was a expy of Archie, and the show didn’t treat him as right in the episodes I’ve seen- but the writing was dreadful. Not the fun kind either.
This guy is such an asshole. What kind of fuck gloats about the murder of a child? I loathe TERFs.
People who live in the country. Or who don’t care.
Are you in Canada? Are they here?
Right? They never make the good round table stories.
Brocountry is a cancer. And I like country.
IHOP is amazing. They are finally in Canada ( but I no longer live near one) and it fills me with joy.
If it stays in the realm of fantasy, then it can provide a way for young teens to explore their feelings in a harmless way, or others to explore their creativity, or maybe come to terms with trauma.
BMI is good when it’s used to measure what it’s meant to- being a measure of populations, not individuals, or as part of a battery. As an absolute, it’s worthless.
Fear not. If I were to get married, there would be many guests only because I have an absurd amount of siblings.
Do you play video games? Read novels? Um..mathamatical knitting?
I love that band. One of the few Eurovision acts this year that didn’t sound like A) sad mummy and daddy are divorcing B) sad they’re divorcing, but glad they aren’t fighting anymore.
I too have an embarrassing love of this show. I don’t watch it anymore, but I look back on it fondly.
There is so much “ what the fuck” here.
I am always of two minds about revealing outfits. The first is “what the hell, put your tits away.” The second is “ if I was that hot, I’d never put my tits away.” and then I tell myself off for being judgemental.