
I think FFXIV deserves major points for its female armor options.

I would also recommend The Secret World. Very passionate fanbase, very diverse (there’s several bi and one trans characters I can name off the top of my head), VERY big RP community...

Mikkuru sounds a lot like me a few years ago. I didn’t realize why gender differences were so important to me, the mountain I am willing to die on, despite otherwise being a good feminist ally.

That’s...very wrong. There are concrete differences between male and female brains that can’t be explained entirely by social conditioning. Case in point: Trans people like me.

My local Gamestop is staffed almost entirely by women. It’s wonderful, but I know that’s the exception.

And Asheville.

How the hell can something be half-baked and overcooked?

Christ, even the guy from Penny Arcade would think that too unwieldy.

Never heard of Cho Aniki?

You monster!

May their bare feet ever find Legos.

Is that picture an unnaturally pretty man, or a woman with stubble?

What are you even on about?

It used to be that if someone called you a Nazi, you knew they meant it as an insult....

I don’t think they’re a real SJW. That’s the way anti-SJWs just think SJWs talk.

Not THAT kind of implant! (Far as I know)

Hell, I’m untrained and I can do that (admittedly, while keeping a hand on a chair for balance)

Professor oak might be banging Ash’s mom, but his father is Bruno of the Elite Four.

The police weren’t in the wrong. The worst you could say was cuffing him might have been unnecessary, but there’s a case either way. I would expect myself to be detained under similar circumstances, just until they sorted everything out.