It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Here’s a past example. I had a neighbor couple who were doing some remodeling on their house. He was doing construction work during the day. They had also bought a fixer-upper to flip and were working on that over the weekends. All very manageable, until the housing market collapse. His good paying construction job

“You know , I’m something of an anime monster myself..”

A moose bit my sister once.

Yeah, like some sort of special road or trail (or track even) where people can go fast, or even race each other. And we could have special long straight “strips” for drag racing.

Like a racetrack you mean? Hmmm.....

The stiff ticket penalty makes speeding un-fjord-able. 

We have ourselves to blame for situations like this. We spent years pretending China was anything other than an authoritarian regime that brutally cracks down on dissent and commits genocide against its own people because for years it was super easy to go there and make shit tons of money. Companies from around the

I was really hoping this was going to be a story about how a group of furry mechanics brought a motorcycle back to life

“GM is jacking off in the corner muttering something about a new SSR

My issue are the cars that start to wipe the windshield before the damn wiper fluid comes out.... ScccrraattchSssmmmeearrrSquirt. Seriously car companies, is it that hard to have the washer fluid come out before the sweep?

Rich people telling

Man, I hope you’re getting paid for this.

I think you’re one syllable off from a lovely haiku

When you’ve had to install anti-sucide measures at your workplace, your position in the Worker Suicide Rankings isn’t really the part you want to focus on.

And those linemen are likely getting a shit-ton of overtime. I doubt that’s a thing at the Tesla China plant.

Rich people telling everyone to work hard, can fuck off and die.

I’m sure he also thinks suicide nets are a very reasonable safety precaution, totally necessary at any startup. 

Always worthy.

When Musk works those kind of hours, raises a family and is present for family events while not neglecting his work, AND does it all for under X amount a year (depending on market), then he can talk.