
I don’t understand how does a billionaire assault you and precipitate a bankruptcy?

No no, the courts found Gawker legally responsible for their own actions, not Thiel

THAT’s what’s going on here.

It’s totally arbitrary, is my point. Just what someone with deep pockets doesn’t like.

Rich people have always had the ability to file trivial lawsuits, and it’s usually a waste of money for them, because the legal system is responsible for filtering out trivial lawsuits. It worked pretty well for Gawker in the past, but in this case the courts didn’t protect them. Because the case itself was legitimate.

If billionaires had the ability to shut down press outlets they didn’t like, they would have done it decades ago. Gawker wasn’t buried under an ocean of trivial lawsuits. They were sued once, for a single invasion of privacy, and massively lost.

Our parent company, is up for sale as part of a filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This was due to an unprecedented legal assault financed in secret by Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel.

By that logic, mocking dictators is making light of fascism and mass-murder.

An article concocted to attack one of our writers

Well that doesn’t make sense, what was the point of all those charity drives and email campaigns to update disclosure policies?

I just checked every Gamergate forum. No one’s defending him, they all pretty much agree with the decision. Surprise!

Speaking of education, Eron Gjoni never instructed anyone to harass Quinn, he never shared her contact info, and has implored that people leave her alone countless times. You can even see in their chatlogs together, at no point were people in GG conspiring to contact or threaten Zoe. His “screed” made no mention of