Fishmongers' daughters

I loved that movie so much. I won’t talk about it much because spoilers, but hell - that lesson is still a good one for me as a 36-year-old.

Same here. I started getting psychiatric diagnoses and medications at age 10 because my mother just couldn’t fathom that our tiny little fundie church-elementary school setup was bad for me. It didn’t fit in with her view of the world, so the problem must be me. By the time I’d graduated high school I had been in and

I’m not sure, actually. I don’t know much about these two families specifically, but I know about strict patriarchal religious upbringing and when this first broke, I was thinking the only real chance for her to get out would be if she got endorsement and financial support from a male member of her family. I figured

This. It kills me that we KNOW, statistically, that structural racism can and does take this form. It’s been demonstrated over and over: Black people getting more arrests/citations/convictions than white people for the exact same behavior. Black children being suspended for behavior that white children get a warning

Yeah. I generally leave it to him while putting it on, but I’ve usually got my tongue on his balls at the time, or the back of his neck or around his ears - *something* to keep him feeling good and show him how excited I am, instead of just... an awkward time-out. Really, there’s ways to be creative about this. And

You know, I was going to surprise my boyfriend when he comes over tonight with tacos and homemade pie. This... this almost makes me not want to do it. Almost.

Yeah, that’s what I’m feeling. Kardashian looks absolutely amazing in that dress. Wear it forever.

Exactly. This reminds me of a conversation I recently had with my mother, where I reminded her of how she’d told me as a kid that a girl is like a beautiful rose, and every time she has sex she gives away a petal, so if you have sex too much you’re a worthless ugly stem. “I didn’t mean it like that!” Mom protested. “I

Yeah. I’d say hardly anyone feels debilitating guilt later, honestly. I mean, assuming no coercion during the decision-making process. I think part of the reason that conservatives are able to get away with that lie is because we’ve collectively decided abortion is too shameful to talk about, so there aren’t many

If my vagina had its own tongue, I wouldn’t HAVE to fuck guys and learn about blowjobs.
...Or leave the house like, ever, for that matter.

It’s remarkable the things they can get over. :P
Great story!

He just wanted it to be true so bad he decided to believe it.


Yup, it happened. It was just when the dude was coming, and I think what happened was that his dick was way back in the danger zone and then the first shot of cum just... hit the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn’t even know I’d just puked! I was finishing him off and suddenly the texture... um, changed. Like, not

- My love

Honestly, now that you’ve put the idea in my head I kinda want to DIY that shit.

That was my first thought. Great sentiment, but maybe just send them money.

I gotta tell you, I had a moment of perspective while watching that walrus video. I floated out of my body and observed myself sitting straight up, leaned forward, squinting a little at my work computer. It... was not a great moment for me. So, you know, thanks for that.

FWIW, I’ve starred you both; one for wit and one for honesty.