
So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

Yeah, it's as perpetual as a wind up clock or timer.

"Note that Here Maps is only available for Android right now, though an iOS version is imminent."

That guy does a great dark helmet impression!

And HP will stop support for the drivers after 3 years forcing you to buy a new printer...

It's great that these features are being added. The thing that annoys me is that users see these lists and then in their ignorance go around proclaiming that Apple is a trailblazer.

Think bing translate for Windows Phone and Window 8 should be in the list. Last time i was in china all of my co workers with android and iphone had me doing translations because of the better results

There's also the Bing translate app. I use it here in NYC on my windows phone.

Another vote for Bing Translator, It was beyond useful the last couple of times I was in Italy and Spain. After that I've never felt the need to use anything else.

There's also a very good app on wp8 that is capable of doing all these functions totally for free (camera, voice, keyboard), it's called Bing translator.

it doesnt have the potential to end worl hunger, because the strains of seed are owned only by Monsanto Corp. Who has actually put farms under for NOT growing their crops when neighboring farms are using their product. Monsanto isnt out to end world hunger, they are out to make a lot of money... which they are doing,

You my friend are in the market for a Nokia.