
You don't have to have an unlocked phone, you get a sim for either t-mobile or att phones and you use that network on straighttalk. With the ATT sim, you get surf and talk same as on ATT. It's GSM... HSPA+ ("4G") but no LTE. Can't speak for the t-mobile side, but the ATT side coverage is the same as it was on post

Sprint is one of the worst coverage carriers in our area...

I use straight talk with my Lumia 920 from ATT- HSPA+ in my area is around 9Mb down. Not as fast as LTE by any means, but fast enough for most activities I do when away from WiFi. They are strict on tethering but if you use it otherwise you can use well over 2GB/monthly. Service and coverage has been identical to

Think how scratched to hell our phones would be.


People using flash photography at this event annoy me.

Am I the only one who remembers this video being posted on here about a year ago???

All that technology knowledge and he can't get the damn camera to focus!?

I'd like this video more if they removed the sounds of the people cheering when it first starts to take off....

I light my whole kitchen with these... they are awesome...

Now playing

IF, for some reason you were shot at, and you were lucky enough to have it hit the 12sq inches that is your phone...

Isn't this what JAWS and Dragon dictate were created for??

I think my favorite part of this this watching her flinch at the end thinking there's still another round...

Not true... This isn't an air compressor filling the tanks. Air compressors have oil from the compressor pump. You will not find that with CO2. There is no difference from "food grade" CO2 and welding CO2, they are both 99.99% The only one higher is medical grade at 99.999%

I submitted a BBB complaint last month regarding the changes.

The problem here is that AT&Ts "logic" for doing this is completely contradictory to their dataplans and action.

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I don't think he's crazy... taking out NASDAQ or major airports flight data would cause major economic catastrophe. Killing people isn't the only way to "harm" a country or it's power.

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Probably just Mark Malkoff in another Apple Store challenge...

Now she'll REALLY taste like a dirty Penny! Thanks for that.

Technically, yes, if you were one of the "Grandfathered" people. Any change to terms is a breach in contract. You are now free to move about carriers.