
...because after reading it, parsing it, trying to unpack it or decode it, we still can’t figure out how it’s germane to the theme of the blog, so we’re asking in the only public forum we have (the comments) in the hopes that the author or editors will answer back and give us some insight into why they thought this

Resign yourself to the fact that you don’t have editorial control at Gizmodo and stop caring about whether an article “fits”

This premise that it was just the millennials who didn’t like what NBC produced... you’re assuming that the rest of us were happy with it?That’s far from the case. We (people on both ends of the millennials) had just as much difficulty navigating NBC as the millennials, were just as unhappy with the foolish chatter

“Fringe Millenials” is what I call it - and I fall in that category. Us, born in the mid-eighties, were the last ones to still have used everything analog, and the first kids/teens to experience the technological surge of the late 90's/early 00's.

Millennials don’t need to get down with the Olympics; instead, the Olympics should pander to us millennials.

I can’t even tell if this is sarcasm anymore

Seriously. The fact that this person has the time to be concerned about this, or even is offended enough to give this topic a second thought, probably means we need to nuke the place.

Don’t let some jackwagon taint the memory of your grandfather just because they want to be a look-at-me-special-snowflake attention whore.

I don’t know. I’ve been called daddy in some pretty sexy ways, by happy healthy people, while in a happy healthy relationship.

Unless you are actually in an incestual pedophilic relationship, you are appropriating the term daddy if used in a sexual manner.

I don’t understand this kind of comment. It’d be one thing if the blog as a whole were changing direction and alienating a large portion of their readership, but that is obviously not happening here.

Eww.. any sex partner saying anything at all daddy-related to me during sex = insta-limp.

The word “daddy” has been in use since at least the 16th century, and continues to be used. But I guess I’m now guilty of mansplaining and contributing to the problem of oppression?

I honestly tried to read this article four times but zoned out after the first sentence because I’m subconsciously allergic to bullshit.

Being called daddy in a sexual context?

And what about “gay” when it meant happy? Guess they appropriated that. Oh, and “partner.” Looks like they appropriated that, too. Let’s not forget rainbow. So personally, I’d like to see this Shanley person shut the hell up, live her life the way she sees fit, and get the fuck out of everyone else’s life. To sit and

Who the fuck is this? Why do we care about her opinion? She’s mad because her obscure fetish has gone mainstream, and now no one else can use the word “Daddy”?

No, you were inappropriately appropriating it from them. It’s a strange form of original sin in that you are a sinner simply because you were born straight cis het. The only way out is to beg for forgiveness while making sure not to look mistress in the eyes.

I seriously had to check if I still on Gizmodo. Who is going to be the first person to explain why this article fits and I'm being narrow minded?

What about when I was a child and called my father daddy? Wouldn’t the lgbt community have appropriated it from children?