
Carrot cake for me, Black Forest cake for the husband, and cheap sparkling wine. And when he doesn’t have a face full of metal, I make him snails in garlic butter with toast.

This is all well and to the good, but will they make a version I can brew at home? Cold coffee on a pitch-black, snowy winter morning is not an appealing idea.

Good wine is really expensive, because it does take a lot of work. Or so I’m told.

It’s ridiculous! The one’s a good play-hunter, has a high prey drive from what we can tell (the other...he’s very sweet) and they just look at insects and do nothing. I don’t mind it with the house centipedes, they don’t cause trouble, but flies? Mosquitos?

My cats can’t even figure out how to eat bugs. I have no fears.

They are actually really fancy, the specialty store by me sells it and it is pricy, but it’s got all kinds of neat flavours. I keep wanting to try, but it’s Christmas present prices, you know?

We started buying flats of 36 eggs, and so they live on the middle shelf under the cheese drawer. Very convenient.

Someday, if we ever go to the UK, I will have to try it.

That does sound pretty good. We just mix BBQ sauce with buffalo sauce, because we are trash that way.

I’m sorry, I don’t eat fast food. Besides, there’s nothing special about Taco Bell sauce. KFC’s honey mustard sucks. I’m not in college. If this bothers you, good. Leave. I’d like to speak to the grown-ups here.

Most of my head is shaved, and the small amount of hair I still have is usually under a hat, a bandana, or a toque, but I do recall that I used to get hair in my food while I was eating, back when I had more of it ~10 years ago.

I too would choose Skittles over Snickers, honestly.

Huh, I didn’t know that. I just figured that’s how santoku knives be.

I’m interested.

Could you not do this in an oven?

If I’m impressed by a dish, I’ll take a picture to show my siblings.

Canadian Thanksgiving is next week, and I think I may make this.

If we wait long enough, Mythical Kitchen will probably make a copycat version.

No, I remember this too. Mandela effect?

This is actually a really good idea! My husband loves mayo, so we usually have some kicking around.