Fishcopernicus Reducto

I usually hate videos like this, but at least this one has a happy ending. Still though, I don’t understand why anyone thinks behaving that way (the way the “man” at the counter behaved, not the employee) is acceptable. It’s insane to me. 

I kind of feel like americans don’t get to criticize germans about historical nazis until they no longer have actual nazis setting government policy. Maybe don’t make fun of historical concentration camps when you have active ones.

“Still waiting to be able to kill childrens in any fallout games" - get help, seriously

not sure why that is weird. violence has always been more culturally acceptable than incest. in virtually every society.

Love how one of the approved comments on here is someone claiming that banning works featuring underage kids is wrong because “it’ll make dating harder for those who look young” and is censorship, though that person has for a long time now been very obsessed with getting porn games depicting children on steam and that

This is perfect. I can feel my teeth aching already.

Man, it sucks to be Pete Davidson. Even when he is not doing anything of note, good or bad, he is fodder for ridicule. He’s done some dumb shit, nothing unforgivable (imo), and mostly seems to be a decent if flawed individual recovering from addiction and mental health issues. He’s also perhaps the fifth funniest SNL

Seriously. And framing it as “disrespectful” to Beyoncé is just fucking absurd. Get a grip people. If Beyonce chooses to dress like a living Christmas tree that’s her prerogative, and if Ed Sheeran insists on his grungy garden gnome look, that’s his. Beyoncé is the aoet or pop star where her look is as much a part of

One one hand, I totally understand Sheeran putting forth zero effort knowing he’d be appearing alongside Beyoncé. I mean, really, does Sheeran in a suit look remarkably better than Sheeran in a T-shirt? I could wear the best dress money could buy and be styled by the best hair and makeup artists, and next to Beyoncé

I’m...honestly befuddled by this Sheeran thing.  No, not his success but this whole thing over him dressing the same way he always does for a show while Beyonce dresses the same way she always does for a show. Yes, yes, there’s a good conversation to be had about expectations for women versus men when it comes to

Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!

The number of holes in your chain of there’s-no-fucking-ways here is breathtaking.

Jet Jurisdiction Jason Johnson. 

Im a grad student, and I work in a food safety lab that handles bacteria. One afternoon there was a random white dude poking around the lab next door and trying to get in. I asked him if he needed help finding someone to let him in, and he repLIEd “No I was just reading the warning labels by the door”(he had his hand

My initial thought was that I wouldn’t care at all about someone making a phony ID. Then I thought a little more about it. I wouldn’t care about someone making phony IDs for underage people to get into bars or clubs, then what about identity theft? I’ve know people whose lives was turned upside down. However, I’m not

This is one of those things where you’ll never know if you did the right thing unless something terrible happens. I think you made the right call.

Good. I’ve seen too many pastors who have lived large, while preaching about not making waves and paying them to keep the local officials sweet. Always made me ask what would Jesus do if he met one of those types of pastors:

1) Romulus, wasn’t a virgin birth. He and Remus were conceived by their mother and Mars, the god of war.

1) Mr. Campbell, you need to know that using “retarded” in a pejorative sense is not OK.

I read pretty much every article on The Root about black hair. People having a problem with it, touching it without permission, students getting removed from school because of it, opinions and arguments about the rightness of this hairstyle or that, the culture significance, and so on. And it all just seems so