Fishcopernicus Reducto

Yes. My mother who watched motionless while my stepfather pushed my head underwater repeatedly and backed him up through all his years of cruelty has no place in my child’s life. Let alone him. 

Babies don’t soften everyone. They make you realise how much less you can/want to tolerate other people’s awful behaviour. 

Meanwhile, what is interesting is that if you read quotes from Walt (legit ones, not all the random ones attributed to him), he said something about Cinderella not just sitting around but going after what she wanted. Granted as a whole, the movies are more problematic now.
I was a Disney kid. Grew up during the

I think that someone who doesn’t know better and is really sad could be easily drawn into another’s mania. I could see how if nothing else felt right that letting yourself be wrapped up in that kind of energy and happiness would feel great and not be exploiting the other person but still be unrealistic.

Yeah, I mean, I agree that most of these stories are totally problematic. But also that most kids just like the songs and the dresses. Her kid is three so she’s maybe a little too little for conversations putting it all in context but the “banning” seems so extreme. My mom banned barbies for a large chunk of my

oooorrr maybe they were two separate people and she was dealing with her own shit like the bombing at her concert and ending a relationship with an addict. but sure, she totally exploited him.

Drake wanted to marry Rihanna at one point.

My opinion of Kim has gone from incredibly low to a slow but steady up and she established herself as a seemingly intelligent business woman and started to seem kind of “woke” and now it is just fucking nose diving in flames.  

Thank you! I was right between you and Charlie and I know all of these and am nostalgic for them. People are nostalgic for things from when they were kids haha. This reaction that she wasn’t old enough to experience this is odd to me

I must be old, cuz that looks tacky af to me. But more power to him if he likes it.

pretty sure i remember my own life—i was ten. which is something i also acknowledge in the article itself. thanks for reading!

The term “white women” is not a racial slur. It is descriptive. It has been used by all indigenous people of color to describe the skin color of British and European colonizers. They, in turn, called us “savages”.

And then we will trudge slowly onward, awaiting the next fleeting glimpse of something like brightness in our universe until that flash, too, will be revealed to be nothing new, yet we will clutch at such moments until we fall over, life extinguished, returned to dust, empty, meaningless.

Somewhere over the weekend I saw a write-up/post that equated Taylor Swift doing her best white-woman thing as being some massive kick-to-the-balls of the alt-right.

I think anything can be disparaging, depending on the tone of its use.

This week’s clapback mailbag is gonna be spectacular.

If you put a bow tie on white supremacy, it becomes respectable. I think these guys only hate neonazis because their tattoos and buzz cuts would raise eyebrows at the country club...

calm down, pete. it’s only monday. you have a whole week to get through. 

die mad about it 

As much as I miss it sometimes, this is example why Gawker deserved to go down.