Fishcopernicus Reducto

I have no idea who Pete Davidson is, but he appears very similar to the textbook illustration of the definitive douchebag.

On the other hand who’s really going to wait ten years to get a dog or cat together?

Between the Manchester attack and Mac Miller’s death, I couldn’t see how she could have been in a healthy enough emotional state to get married right now. It would be pretty superhuman to go through those and not be severely affected. And he’s been open about his own mental issues. It always seemed like a Billy

or maybe even that she didn’t have to start at 8, but could have sang like normal kids do and pursued a career as an adult. *shrugs*

I know plenty of singers and musicians who don’t need celebrity-status to feel they’ve made it as artists. Some can even make perfectly comfortable livings as performers in genres that get less popular media coverage. I think the poster was suggesting that her parents may have (I don’t know her parents so who knows if

I don’t listen to her music at all, but she’s definitely in that elite pop starlet status - Pete’s a pretty good comedian with a great job but, ehhhh.

Yeah, the producers are all for ‘rebalancing of the industry’s treatment of women’ after they’ve already been exposed. Foy won the Golden Globe for season one, and her salary wasn’t renegotiated thereafter, nor was there any attempt by the production company to address this until the story became public.

Also I’m

Honestly, I can’t even pretend to be amused by the shortness of their relationship or to laugh at the naivety of young love. They were probably a great couple but the trauma she is currently experiencing is really not conducive to a new relationship. You can’t prepare yourself for that. It’s just sad.

I think they broke up because he’s Pete Davidson and she’s Ariana Fucking Grande.

They’re 24 and 25

I think we can agree that all wine tastes the same and if you spend any more than 5 dollars on wine, you are very stupid.”—April Ludgate

How many sips does it take to reach the center of an irresponsibly priced bottle of almost certainly skunky wine? The world may never find out! That owl was full of shit, by the way, it’s way more than three.

This whole thread was cathartic

I never heard of him before today, so I googled him and noted this on Wikipedia:

He helpfully illustrated her point for her.

What does basic mean? That she didn’t like the cool manly bands and movies he did?

But doesn't that say more about what a shallow person Ryan Adams is than anything bad about Mandy Moore? If he found her basic then and they didn't share interests, why did he marry her? He looks like even more of a dick now. 

To be honest, I have no clue who he is. 

I figured their marriage didn’t work out because he’s Ryan Adams and she’s Mandy fuckin Moore.

Despite their incompatibility, Adams says he’s still “missing her like candy.”