I am intrigued and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I am intrigued and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
My husband’s grandfather was on the wrong side of WW2. Husband has an assortment of medals and paraphernalia he inherited, which would look nice in a display with his own medals and whatever; but we are not Nazis, so we do not.
So called because she openly, brazenly, and unexpectedly snatched a block of very expensive cheese from the counter one day and paraded around proudly at her hunting skills.
My father’s cat, when I was a child, was named Confucius. I do not think my father even knows who Confucius was.
Our black cat is Fenwick T. Meowsalot, because my husband is Like That. Our white cat is Saki Lil’ Scamp Cheesethief. Re:husband.
Boston Pizza is not the best pizza in the world, but it is dependable. Also the Spicy Perogy pizza is friggen delicious.
I guess if you’re selling a 20$ cocktail (yikes) you’d better rep every single part of it, even the frozen water.
If your muffins resemble cake even a little, my friend, you have a cupcake.
As one of the 5 people who like TTG, I might see this.
Heard of it, would not be my first choice.
Bison burgers are delicious and you should definitely try one.
As someone with a small mouth-to the point where the dentist told me to only use a child’s toothbrush-I approve of this. I like not having to unhinge my jaw to eat.
I love bad action movies, and Jason Mamoa. I will still watch this.
Ever since I moved out east, I have been permanently, distressingly damp. It’s either raining, snowing, or hot and humid. It’s like living on Satan’s left testicle.
I don’t do multiplayer, but I am stoked for that nightmarket business.
I am lucky enough that bad carrot cake has never happened to me. There was a place nearby that used to have carrot cake cheesecake, with chunks of carrot cake in the cheesecake. It was awesome.
I think that is one of those weird royal etiquette things, which is a bit of a perplexing minefield.
This comment was a whirlwind of discovery.
Am I the only person who actually likes Peeps?
Oh. Well I feel justified. I try to take things outside cause I am soft like that, but it was just scurrying around so much...