
Well, not that specifically, but yes. The idea of the game is that these vampire/alien/whatevers want to kidnap the girls and drain their blood. If you don't save them, you can watch the girls in their underwear getting grabbed, having a device clamped around their necks, then a four-inch drill pushes into their

The best part was that, with this game, if you wanted to capture the bad guys you had to ignore the scenes when the plot was going on. So you could either watch the plot cutscenes, or actually try to win the game.

Now a whole new generation of gamers can experience the historic moment when video games finally, truly became "art":…

(Cut to a panning shot of the press corps, mouths open in shock)

Man, Trump turned into Tommy Wiseau so gradually I never even noticed!

You know, there are so many easy fixes you could make to this movie (the main one being the mission), and Slipknot was one of them.

I will give the Suicide Squad movie one thing: Boomer getting Slipknot killed made me laugh. Mainly because Boomer did a similar stunt on him in the comic.

Hell, they didn't even tell us why we were supposed to care about the characters! They just went "this is so-and-so, he does such-and-such" for most of them. Nobody except Deadshot, Harley, and Diablo got anything approaching characterization.

"I would like to add that real man aren't frightened like little baby rabbits by homosexuals."

"Man, all kindsa weirdos comin' though here tonight."

I'm honestly surprised it "only" took 50 tries.

Okay, the stealth box was adorable.

You laugh, but that's how I name stuff in my games. Because otherwise people (including myself) will never remember them.

I think it's more by someone who only thinks they understand what the employees and customers want. The kind of corporate twerps who honestly think customers go into a McD's or a Burger King for a ~dining experience~ rather than for a cheap, quick meal.

"Our employees can wear these outfits straight from work to play! Unless, you know, they want to shower first or something because they're covered in grease and sweat."

Or shoot up pizzerias.

You know what, I completely forgot about Hickman. I stand corrected, sir.

Sadly, because too many people see "being wrong" as a sign of weakness.

In regards to Secret Empire: I'm sorry, but if your plotline hinges on multiple reality rewrites and your name isn't "Grant Morrison", you may not be as good a writer as you think you are.

Pratchett-ian fantasy or Grant Morrison inspired fantasy or GTFO.