
Yeah, but let's be honest here: she earned it.

The biggest problem is that nobody seems to realize that the people behind the counter anywhere don't set the policies. When I worked at EB Games I'd catch so much shit about things I had no control over, like getting shorted on shipments.

Reminds me of this GameStop training video on how to sell games to women.

It's probably also an inability to understand that their company isn't the only game in town (if you'll excuse the expression) when it comes to buying games. Steam, direct download, and online stores are eating very heavily into their profits, but instead of changing the way they operate to take these new business

I knew a guy who was a district manager between the EB Games -> GameStop transition. He eventually quit because it was apparently corporate policy that managers had to write up X people a month.

Not even that; just make 'em work behind the counter for a year trying to deal with the actual fallout of their shitty policies.

I used to work at Electronics Boutique in the US (ages ago before they got bought out by GameStop), and by the end it was really bad because of constantly pushing upsells even before the merger.

That's a really good way to describe it; it really does feel like they learned the language phonetically.

Ah yes, the ol' "there's no such thing as bad publicity" thing.

As much as I like this series, I really wish that they'd have let Russell finish the Prez series instead of cancelling it halfway through.

Time is a flat circle; it can be both!

I bet when the screenwriter wrote that, he leaned back, put his hands behind his head, and quietly said "Nailed it."

I doubt that. He's clearly just copying the mouth sounds they taught him.

Can be used as a coaster

"Interactive menu" is such a puzzling thing to call out on your DVD. Like, as opposed to what? A non-interactive one?

Man, I don't think I've ever laughed less at a movie clip than I did at the one with the moose head.

"Do it? Dan, I'm not a Republic Serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? We elected him president eighty days ago."

Who, me? Because nobody wants to hear me blather on about tabletop RPGs for 45 minutes to an hour.

Why does Michael Rapaport have a podcast?

Oh my god…the wall wasn't to keep the Mexicans out…it was to keep the Americans in! It all makes sense now!