Oh man that video is amazing on so many levels.
Oh man that video is amazing on so many levels.
Any terrible job worth doing is worth doing well so you never have to do it again.
Yeah, they're very…flat. No real effort to act or inflect.
I still have my prized first printing of the novelization of Buckaroo Banazi: Across the Eighth Dimension. I wouldn't mind an audiobook of that.
Cap is supposed to be a HYDRA sleeper agent, but when HYDRA was first created back in the day it was actually a branch of the Nazi forces. Since they they've become their own thing, but the roots are still there (such as the Red Skull still being a straight-up Nazi).
I can't wait to see "Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life" remade as a Matrix-style technothiller.
Possibly? One of the big problems I had when I played the first closed beta was that so much of my screen was taken up with both the HUD and my weapon, and every time I used my weapon the visual effect would take up even more screen real estate.
The thing I dislike about Gearbox's humor in games is that it always feels like they're just constantly nudging you in the side and going "Eh? Eh? Funny, right?"
I was in the betas of both games, and I had the exact same impression. BB seems to be more focused on the presentation, whereas Overwatch is more focused on the gameplay.
The best thing about Battleborn releasing on the same day as Overwatch's open beta was that, on Twitch, there were ten times as many viewers for Overwatch than there were for BB.
That sounds like it should be a Tim & Eric-directed show staring Dr. Brule.
"And as usually happens when young girls get into something—pierced ears, My Little Pony, bisexuality—young boys muscle their way in and try to find a way to ruin it."
Better question: is this better or worse than the pending Tetris movie?
The whole thing with the mime bird talking makes me so irrationally angry. It's just one of that laziest possible jokes possible. Which, I suppose, is just right for this movie, but still.
Why is there an Angry Birds wiki?
Is there some sort of movie-making law that states if a scene takes place at a concert, someone has to try stage-diving and ends up not getting caught? Because despite being done hundreds of times it's never been funny.
You laugh, but that was actually a story in a Secret Wars tie-in. Mojo was running a reality show that was just a perpetual battle between every iteration of Wolverine ever.
Oh good lord The Boys. 72 issues of "man, could you imagine if superheroes were perverted assholes DID I JUST BLOW YOUR MIND?"
As much as I love Buckaroo Banzai, I'm really trying to not get my hopes up here.
It could be pretty well argued that "the dialog and content just felt too forced and fake edgy" is pretty much Ennis in a nutshell. I liked Preacher when I first read it, but after reading some of Ennis' other stuff, after a while you just want to go "okay, I get it, you're edgy."