Oh man, I forgot all about that.
Oh man, I forgot all about that.
Well, to be fair that was her original character when introduced in the "Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E" comic. Pat (the stepdad) was the sidekick of the original Star-Spangled Kid back in the Golden Age, and when Courtney finds this out, she steals the original cosmic belt and becomes a superhero pretty much out of spite.
"Swords & sorcery, but with superheroes" is a sadly underutilized genre. Which is odd given that DC has a ton of established chunks of the DCU that are just that.
So I was wondering…what would happen if I was 100 feet tall?
There's a weird thing with robots in general, where they seem to be completely aware of, and completely okay with, the fact that they're objects instead of people.
I don't know why, but the guy running past the camera screaming during MULTIBALL cracks me up every time.
What a nice old lady!
I actually think the whole "you're in the past" plan makes sense because it's not Mom's plan, it's the sons' plan. And as we see right from the get-go, they're Three Stooges level idiots. Of course they're going to come up with the stupidest, most convoluted plan possible to get Fry's PIN number.
Mom didn't know Fry was going to eat the fish until the end of the episode. In fact, nobody apart from Zoidberg seemed to realize it was technically food.
It will never be over, Wendy. Even now, humans are lurking in our playgrounds, our breezeways, even in… our COMMENT SECTIONS!
Aw yiss JLU reviews are back!
That's what I wanted you to think with your soft, human brain.
The whole thing with Fox wanting a more "normal" episode is hilarious to me, because at the time they seemed incapable of trusting creators who'd made them millions enough to just let them do what they wanted to do. "Yeah, we know you made this huge hit series for us, but we're still going to tell you what to do."
Nibbler saying "verily" may be on of my favorite one-word gags of all time. Tied with Zoidberg saying "Gracias" and "Narp?" from Hot Fuzz.
"Spare me your space-age technobabble, Attila the Hun!"
Well, they had the advantage of working with a crew that had a bunch of seasons of The Simpsons under their belt.
One of my favorite gags in "I, Roommate" is when Hermes turns on a huge display screen, and it shows a graph drawn on a paper pad, standing on an old-fashioned wooded easel. I always love when they use super-futuristic technology to do some mundane task in a more complex, yet equivalent, way.
The core problem I have with "Ceasar and Me" is pretty similar to the problem I have with "The New Exhibit": in both cases any ambiguity that could create tension is removed completely. In Ceasar, we see the doll acting on its own, so there's no real doubt that Ceasar's doing his own thing. In Exhibit, the wax dummies…
I'm greasin' up my whosits!