
They're cast recordings, not soundtracks.

I'm not being pedantic. I write and perform sketch comedy in Los Angeles. Ask anyone in the community, ask anyone doing this for a living, they'll tell you the same thing. I know what I'm talking about.

Great review. One request: Please stop calling them "skits." Some of what the show does are sketches (Reggie's infomercial is a sketch) but some of these are just segments of the show. "Skit" implies an amateurish production by non-comedians trying to be funny. Sketches are constructed, fully-formed pieces with a

What I saw was the Cannes print (complete with French subtitles) and it was billed as "The Whole Bloody Affair."

It's still great! Just don't expect any huge differences. More small, interesting changes.

"The Whole Bloody Affair" exists, and it has for years. And I'm telling you, it's a very similar, slightly more violent experience.

Hard to say - you'd probably need to ask someone who saw Bloody Affair first and didn't know it was coming.

Nope, that's it. Everything is in the same order as they would be if you watched both movies back-to-back.

It's not *that* different from just watching both movies back-to-back. From what I remember, the anime sequence has a couple of extra shots (cut for violence) and the Crazy 88 sequence is in color instead of B&W. Also, there's no "Does she know her daughter is still alive?"/"I've killed a hell of a lot of people so

They're "sketches," not "skits."

FIRST SNL flavors? Schweddy Balls, brah.

It's a cast recording, not a soundtrack.