
I always hated her.

Jill Biden has always been so fucken annoying. Imagine if Anita Hill was a white woman... (oh lawd)

I am not a Trump supporter and I live in South Jersey, which is pretty close to Delaware, so I hear first hand all the bullshit that Biden has done. He is trash just like Trump, but he just hides it better. What did he exactly accomplish as VP? Do tell.

I don’t have a problem with this. Joe Biden got this award, and he has accomplished nothing to deserve it. Why do people keep bringing up Tiger Woods and prostitutes, didn’t that happen 5-7 years ago?

Sorry don’t believe the stepdad and I am pretty sure the cops don’t either. He did something to that child. :(

That is what white people (especially men) do.

So of these women are way too stupid.

Definitely not watching now.

None of this shit makes any sense. I literally had to scroll up and make sure this happened in Florida. Should I feel sorry for this person? If you lie with snakes, you will get bit.

One stunt queen sticking up another. How nice.

I don’t think so. It appeals to black people. Some young black people are not educated on slavery in schools. Even in Texas, they have books that say that African people were brought over as indentured servants. You have people like Charles Barkley who said “slavery is not the worst thing ever” and Kanye saying “being

I fully get the outrage (which is well founded) that is directed toward this commercial, but I could see what the creators were trying to do. This was a terrible way to reach out to Black Americans to try to figure out their racial background. These type of of DNA result sites are just so silly and so are their

I don’t have a problem with this, why should illegal aliens get housing when there are so many US citizens who are homeless?

Thank you Kardiashian publicist.

It is really not that great. I mean it is entertaining but that is about it.

Why??? The catholic church does not need the money. How about you donate the money instead to one of the three black churches that burned down by a racist arsonist.

They should have used some of that money that was used to pay off priests that sexually abused children in third world countries to fix the faulty wiring that started the fire.

You are mad at the security guard for doing his job? How special do you think you are that he is suppose to remember your non ID having ass?

I don’t watch golf and I certainly am not going to start because Tiger Woods is winning again.  When he took off his cap to thank the crowd, all I could think of was how he looks so much like Yoda now.

He has ALWAYS been a Good Old Boy.