Will Lipovsky - First Quarter Finance

We've written about digit! I've been using it for a month and I really like it. It's a great way to see if there's more savings you can squeeze out for your budget.

Poor guy. He shoulda pulled a Constanza and pretended it was just a joke.

I was about to post the same analysis... sounds fishy to me. Where do you get housing, food, transportation and internet access for that much per month?

I think you misunderstood the post. Essentially, you have a spending account that you keep a maximum amount in. Then you have your emergency funds which would take care of the situation you spoke of. Finally, anything over the maximum amount in your spending account gets moved to savings (i.e. investments, not a

I did this with my first job out of college and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I wasn't making much but I lived at home and didn't have many expenses. I transferred anything over $750 to savings every payday. It just went into a ("high interest") savings account, but the peace of mind is a good

A lesson I learned in my 30s that I had wish I learned in my 20s was this: I'll spend whatever I have. I was able to maintain the same quality of life with the same salary, but go from saving NOTHING each month to saving up to $600 a month just by saving it before I could spend it. Nobody was more shocked by this than