
The cold open was lame. Just have Kate McKinnon as a distraught Hillary Clinton singing Leonard Cohen after he passes away and somehow it adds up to emotion? Such a millennial thing to do, just blind people with references and nostalgia instead of thinking of an original funny sketch. Lazy.

Thought about this as well. Also, it's impossible for a guest to tell the difference between a guest and a host, that would be extremely dangerous for a guest to be around another guest that is on a rampage cause they could be knifed to death or something.

That was really nice of Ford to give Teddy a backstory…so he could end up being tortured and hung out to die in a new and horrific way.

Yeah the park details are always cool, but the whole thing was just anti-climactic.

Yeah got that, doesn't change my criticism. It was just filler and not interesting filler at that.

As much as I've loved the first 3 episodes, I was really disappointed by this one. The Man in Black prison mission was completely pointless and anti-climactic. It's getting tiring watching him waste a bunch of helpless robots much like watching someone dominate a video game with the cheat codes. And just all in all,

I don't agree with Denis that this was a great episode, but it was definitely better than last week. Still, too many sketches were duds. Cold open, weekend update, and black Jeopardy were good and some others had decent moments though. Bringing back the two French women in basically the exact same sketch last year

Alec Baldwin's Trump is depressingly awful. Why did they replace Darrell Hammond?

I think he's just drunk and on a rampage.

haha that guy made me LOL not sure why. We all know some douche bag, who if given the opportunity, would act exactly like that guy did.

Maybe they did already but are just reconfirming it in person.

Good to have you back Dennis.

The show has devolved into by the numbers story telling. No suspense. A lot of predictability. Not much difference than the big budget movies we see every summer.

I respect the hell out of you for being true to your opinions even though it doesn't benefit you at all. This show, unfortunately, has devolved into by the numbers story telling this season with very little suspense. Mass audiences will still love it, but sadly I think the shows best days are behind it.

Is it tradition for them to do a whole cast musical sketch for the final sketch of the season?

They were singled out and it was obvious. But whatever, to each their own.

In the show, every white male character is either a complete douche bag, a weak piece of shit, or an evil psychopath. It's blatantly obvious what the show runner was doing. Again two wrongs don't make a right. No race, gender, or religion should be singled out in a show like that.

Whatever. Take revenge then, and then the person you take revenge against can take revenge also. And it can go on like this for the rest of eternity.

The High Sparrow is going to bore everyone to death in King's Landing.

Neither were Theon and Sansa I'm pretty sure.