
I think Jost is going to get the axe as head writer after this season. Just isn't getting it done.

I like Sasheer Zamata whenever she is on screen. She seems to have acting chops and I like her personality. I hope they keep trying to find a niche for her and don't cut her from the show.

*Mckinnon, though Kate Upton certainly would be a welcome addition.

What a waste of Peter Dinklage. Horrible episode. Monologue was good, then it was all down hill from there. I wonder if the writers spend any of the extra time off actually writing, or if they just wait till Monday of the show to start cramming. Lazy effort. If they let anyone go besides Kate Mckinnon, Cecily Strong,

Yeah I guess I'm just bummed that Republican caricature of her has been taken as fact.

Those get filed under Republican faux scandals or other nonsense you're including that has no relevance.

You have a point though. It's not SNL's responsibility to be the arbiter of what is correct politically or not. They just take what's out there and run with it I guess. It's just kind of sad that someone can be slandered as badly as she has, so that overtime this extremely negative and false representation of her has

The difference is, Hillary's caricature is based on one created by the Republicans and imbued with nothing but negative qualities. Bernie's caricature has nothing to do with politics, doesn't take aim at any of his personality flaws, and is generally fun and light hearted. I like Bernie and not saying he's overrun

You have no retort to any of the points I made I see.

Right I get it, just because Republicans told you that. I like to evaluate information for myself and make a decision, not just go on what other people tell me. Try making a counter point if you truly believe that.

Meh why does SNL keep pushing this false stereotype of Hillary Clinton? All I can say is take a fair look at Hillary Clinton's body of work throughout her life, and tell me if you come to the conclusion that she's this unfeeling, lying, calculating sociopath. All she's done is try to help kids and minorities

It is Chris Christie and he does not really have a say in the matter.

Loved the mermaid sketch, that's when the show got going for me. Weekend update was solid again like usual. And most of the sketches after it weren't bad.

How they shot Hannibal's performance was anything but standard though!

Totally agree, it really stood out to me. Especially the scene of the R & B guys concert, that was very cool.

Only sketch I really liked was the murder mystery one. First half of the cold open was funny and part of weekend update. Aside from that, thumbs down.

Then why does his chick lawyer friend make such a big deal about him faking evidence?

I get how you could like this show if you're a teenager (which you seem to be), but c'mon, at least admit it shouldn't be Emmy nominated.

Yeah I'm a 40 year old nerd who has a tricked out hummer that says "playa" on it. I guess that means when the cops come to my house, they'll somehow be able to deduce that I'm a drug dealer. Same cops will also be fooled into lame ass cobbler story. Great writing!

Oh that would be so hilarious wouldn't it???? Then I could get locked in the trash room and scribble my old initials on it. How symbolic!