
How is this piece of shit show Emmy nominated? The writing is awful and the show is one big uninteresting bore. That cobbler bit last night was sooooo not funny.

Oh and the cops would never think that he could've just shot the video after he spoke with them? And why would they need to see the video anyway? This show is ludicrous.

So…those two cops were able to figure out that the little nerd guy was a drug dealer, but yet they believed Jimmy's unfunny (unless you're below the age of 13) squat cobbler story. Ok…..

It was great up until after weekend update. After that it seemed like all of the sketches fell flat.

Says the guy who is throwing a hissy fit just because I disagree with his opinion on SNL.

And you throw a little hissy fit when not everyone agrees with everything you do. Gonna go on Twitter and start a hash tag revolution now?

I'm not a millenial I'll tell you that much. We're generational mercenaries I guess.

What do you think you are? The term millennials wasn't really introduced till fairly recently I think? I think you're more firmly in generation X than I am, but do you relate with millennials more?

33. I guess I'm on the cusp of Millenial but I consider myself a Generation Xer

It was a really well polished turd. Had a lot of crowd pleasers i.e. X-Files, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Zoolander, Bernie Sanders, and Dirty Dancing. Larry David himself is also very likable. Beneath the surface though I thought the sketches and weekend update were disappointing.

Meh totally disagree. Didn't like anything about this one, from the cold open to the monologue, to the sketches, to weekend update (including Zoolander), to Bernie's appearance. It was a lot of hit you over the head humor coupled with a fair dose of nostalgia and Bernie Sanders (who I'm a fan of) = I knew millennials

65% of the country is white, 68% of the cast is white.

So you'd prefer Leslie Jones over Tracey Morgan?

Way to make it about race / gender. How about they just get rid of the 5 worst?

Yeah he's not horrible, just never makes me laugh. Kind of like Beck Bennett.

Oh God now I hate her thanks for that.

Meh they really need to axe some of the dead weight off of this cast. Aidy Bryant, Keenan Thompson, Leslie Jones, Pete Davidson, Jon Rudnitsky.

Did Bobby Moynihan accidentally read Driver's cue card during the monologue, i.e. "we have a great show for you tonight" ?

He was great in that sketch overall. Lot of laughs in that one. Vanessa Bayer great as always. Kate Mckinnon and Mooney understated and funny as the kids. Great appearance by Liev Schrieber.

Oh God yes.