
Agree with the author about Driver showing some comic chops, but the show letting him down.

It was both of their stories. His reaction is key because it finally starts pushing him to try and eventually escape. Though Sansa isn't on camera, the audio was plenty. You guys are complaining just to complain. If they showed any part of her being raped, there would be 1000x more complaining.

I think her awful wailing while being raped was plenty for me and drove the point home but to each their own.

Summary of your arguments:
-They didn't do exactly what I wanted so I'm going to go on the internet and complain about it wahhhhhh wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhh

lol…i find it so hilarious the things people are accusing D & D of, and then just listen to what you're saying: "i wanted to see her face while she was getting raped". Pretty funny.

I'm not trying to be macho. I just see people like you and all your friends trying to bully writers because what they've written doesn't fit your agenda or your exact idea of what violence against a woman should look like. These writers aren't doing anything wrong and it would be a shame if people like you influenced

Well, they're not writing the show for your needs or the audiences needs. Sansa does more than you give her credit for, but you wouldn't have been happy unless she turned into a ninja and tortured and then killed Ramsey.

Oh right because you referred to what Shae said in a previous episode who obviously was speaking for every single woman that ever existed (and was a line written by a male mind you).

Yeah they complain about not showing Sansa's face during the rape, but had they done that it would've been too gratuitous. You can't win with these lunatics, they don't care about babies being killed, or little girls being burnt alive, or men getting tortured, all they care about is women being raped.

This show has traumatized you. You absolutely should not be watching it.

Really? She's a Villain Sue? And Daisy Ridley in Star Wars is a Mary Sue? Can you guys just listen to yourselves? According to you they need to tick off a 1000 point checklist before being able to write a woman character. Completely ridiculous. You guys are setting women back 1000 years by making it out like they need

They didn't put out a statement. The director said they've acknowledged the criticism but also are wary to censor themselves just because a small amount of people have differing opinions.

Again 20 million people watch every week. It's the biggest show on HBO and one of the biggest shows on TV right now. It gets near 100% positive reviews and it won a lot of the big Emmy's this year. So yes, you absolutely are entitled to your opinion, but it's an extremist one that most people don't agree with.

No rape just has to be portrayed exactly how you want it portrayed and a 100 point checklist needs to be ticked off so no ones feelings get hurt. Sorry, 99.9% of people are fine with how the violence is depicted in GoT. You are just wayyyy too sensitive.

Art is definitely subjective, but the Emmys and the 20 million who watch the show every week disagree. So you're in the minority. 99.9% of people are fine with how the violence is handled.

Rape is rape and it's brutal. You're a sensitive little flower, probably shouldn't be watching the show. Go watch Pixar.

Game of Thrones isn't a fairy tale. Just because Sansa gained experience with Joffrey and learned some lessons from Little Finger, doesn't automatically mean she knows how to manipulate Ramsey. Go watch a Disney movie if you can't handle the violence on Game of Thrones.

You have to remember that many of the men at Castle Black are former criminals who have committed violent crimes. So if you leave the men at Castle Black alone without any supervision, what do you think they're going to try and do to the lone woman that's there? Give her a hug? Get a clue.

Oh well sorry about your awful experience with an American. Luckily there are barely any of them in Game of Thrones, though maybe if it upsets you enough, you can petition to have Peter Dinklage removed from the show.

Again, all of this amounts to: don't watch it if you're too sensitive. You're taking it way too seriously. It's a fictional show, nothing that happens on it is going to effect how people behave in the real world. Nothing Dan or Dave is doing is unfair to women. You undermine your own cause by advocating for special