
You can say whatever you want, but no one takes you seriously. You're part of a very small minority of people that whine and complain about everything when you don't get your way, and everyone is getting sick of it. No one listened to you after season 5 when Game of Thrones swept the Emmy's and broke ratings records,

I think he wrote a draft of it, but wasn't involved in the final product.

Criticizing it is different from wanting it to be censored because it offends your delicate sensibilities.

All the violence they've written has been in the context of the world they've created on the show and fits in with the characters motivations. There is nothing about their writing that leads me to believe any rape or violence was done distastefully or gratuitously. So it's not just a matter of me excusing whatever

Not fair that you don't mention how Benioff's and Weiss's debut novels were both well received. Benioff's "The 25th Hour" got made into a great movie by Spike Lee.

Whoops! No I didn't. The two are not mutually exclusive. Good fiction combines elements of both.

Sorry if this is a personal question, but why are you so obsessed with rape, but not any other kind of violence? I'm sorry if anything that horrible has ever happened to you, but if this show is a trigger for you, have someone watch ahead for you so you can skip over the bad parts. Or don't watch at all. I don't

It doesn't move the story along though. Horrible analogy.

Well I don't understand your point how them (fairly) including rape in the show somehow impacts what happens in society or influences people to commit rape. That's ridiculous. Rape has been around for thousands of years before it was ever portrayed in literature or on a TV show, and it will (unfortunately) continue to

You don't have to watch it if you feel it's indecent. How about just turn it off instead of expecting them to change for you. But as mentioned in my other comments it doesn't seem like you watch it anyway. Advocate for the rights of real life people, not fictional characters. It's much more rewarding.

And it shouldn't, because again, it's just modeling what happens in the world as we know it (or what happened during the middle ages). But I don't entirely agree with you that it's mostly bad stuff happening to the commoners as we've seen plenty of people from noble houses die miserable deaths. Probably most of the

And BTW, a lot of people complained about Margaery, a grown woman, using sex to manipulate Tommen, a 15 year old which is another example of sex violence committed against a man on the show. You might want to actually watch the show first before you criticize it.

lol…I've walked right into this trap.

Making a statement like this makes me believe you don't even watch the show. Did you see when Gendry was tied to a bed and raped by Melisandre? Did you see when Theon was brutally tortured all season and then had his penis cut off? Did you notice the unsullied are all a bunch of slave soldiers who were castrated at

No they absolutely don't! That's cowardice to avoid portraying something or sugar coating a character because some very small minority might be upset. Why do you watch this if it upsets you? There are horribly shocking moments every season of people being murdered in the worst ways and at the most unexpected times.

Good writers make decisions based on what their characters would actually do based on their personalities. Sometimes things characters do are brutal. Dan and Dave aren't bad people who hate women and who intentionally insert things in their writing to antagonize them. There is nothing in their writing to suggest this.

Again, you're putting words in my mouth. I never said "chill, bro, it's just rape". I said "chill bro, it's just fiction". Good fiction models what happens in the real world whether fair or not fair. If you can't handle it, don't watch it.

It's fiction. Good fiction reflects what happens in the real world. Sometimes in fiction, shocking things happen to characters and they don't get payback. This has happened plenty in Game of Thrones to male and female characters. Don't watch it if it upsets you.

Please, that's not what I said at all. I'm not advocating for rape. I'm advocating for them to do whatever they think the characters would've done and not let spineless people influence them because they're too sensitive. Don't watch the show if you can't handle violence or rape. It's an ultra violent show in an ultra

Why don't we get rid of all the violence and just make it a Disney show? That way no one will be offended. Benioff and Weiss are cowards if they held back on their writing because of a small but very vocal minority accusing them of hating women when neither of them has written anything that would suggest such a thing.