
Nope. You nailed. And in all seriousness, the terrorists have won.

I’m just wondering how I have to pay a TSA fee for every leg of every flight, but they can’t muster enough cash to hire enough people to impose security theater upon us all? Also, the TSA needs to work on scheduling. They know when terminals will get busy and need to schedule enough workers. We left Denver at 4:30am

Let’s say this is the primary cause of the long lines, for the sake of discussion.

I just watched the whole thing and I loved every minute of it. I’m a middle age (42) white liberal white lady, and I’m wondering what the fuck is going on with the audience. Good for Larry pushing harder.

It thought it was great, too. And I think he went easy on them. Blitzer is like a news matre d’, Don Lemon is awful, and nearly to a person CNN, MSNBC, and Fox are staffed by useless tools.

The only time these assholes have any chance of being uncomfortble during a normal year is this event. So it’s great when the

Yup! Not a single glorious fuck was given by Larry. And the best part was that Obama seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe minus the drone bit - but alas, that was fully deserved.

I also loved how Larry Wilmore did not give a single fuck about the audience. He straight up did not care about their opinion or their reactions except to laugh at them for being a tough (white) crowd.

People are fucking weird. This was HILARIOUS. And all the more so by how many complete cringe worthy moments there were, of all these media people being entirely unable to laugh at them selves. Did you guys see Blitzer’s face?? If eyes could kill, Larry would be dead. Dead, I tell ya.

It’s not like every other state’s senators are well-versed in cryptography.

In 1949 a woman was spanked in public and it was declared to be love. As recently as 1963 (according to the dates here, possibly there are later examples) movies still considered spanking to be proper discipline for grown women. Tell me again how we don't need feminism? These dates don't make me think "ancient

I can think of a few. The gay jokes that were still socially acceptable 10 or 15 years ago, for example. Now we cringe at them on Friends, but the show was very progressive at the time. The wage gap will be one. I sincerely hope that people arguing that not everyone has the right to healthcare and that people deserve

I think I am super glad I never liked old movies because I feel like I have lived a calmer life not knowing the existence of this shit. Really well-written, well-researched article, but I’m going to be over here vomiting for the next 20 minutes or so.

I never thought I’d become desensitized to the word spank. Yet 150 uses later . . . here we are.

This is absolutely amazing. Honestly, a great work, I really found it fascinating. Love this line, which made me almost spit out water from laughing:

I don’t like Jimmy Fallon. I really like John Oliver, and most of my friends that were Daily Show fans now watch his segments religiously. I’m glad he got his own show.