
Baskin would pretty much be at the bottom of the list of villains in that animal abuser glorification documentary.

Drake is like the dumpster behind the pet shop where the soiled puppy pads from training classes and expired Pupperonis get tossed.

Just want to say that I’m proud of you for continuing to try to shoot your band’s shot in this comment section read by tens and tens of people.

I was in the (contestant) pool!!!

Same at my Home Depot. All they want for Christmas is SKUs.

Son of a . . .

I expect my job offer from The Herb will be arriving any minute.

Or Saw Patrol! Puppets with cars that have circular saw blades for tires and steering wheels. And are surrounded with barbed wire. And you’re locked inside. And it’s quickly filling up with puppy blood. The key is in the glove box, but the glove box handle is made of rusty razor blades. Also, there are 1200 used

Yeah, Benecio is good & well-matched by Eric Bogosian & Alicia Silverstone, but the scene stealer is Domenick Lombardozzi. He’s basically just playing Herc from The Wire again, but he’s so good as that character. Timberlake is the weak acting link in this, but not distractingly so.

Something like this would be Mr. Potatohead’s time to shine. Just limbs & eyes everywhere.

Did anyone else watch Reptile on Netflix? Kind of a weirdly constructed movie, more like a collection of scenes pasted together. But the performances were solid all around and that made it a pretty compelling watch.

I might toss a coin to this movie.

This song gets an enthusiastic hell yes from me.

I loved this show, but it did seem to end pretty definitively. I’d watch a third season though!

Monsters was the kind of thoughtful sci-fi movie I really enjoy (the less said about the sequel, the better). I saw the trailer for this and it looked pretty generic as you said, but knowing that Gareth Edwards is behind it makes me think that it will have a lot more depth than the trailer lets on. I got tickets at my

I laughed just reading it because I can hear his exasperated delivery!

Yeah, I just assumed everyone would roast them for that one. I thought I would have to defend Oscar’s honor alone, but people showed up!

It truly does my heart good to know there are plenty of other people who know that this movie is good and funny.

Right, it’s pretty much the “your antenna doesn’t work” package.

Yes! The pacing was great. I think I was 20 or 21 when it came out, and already had a love of mistaken identity / missing information absurdist comedy, so I thought it was a delight. Even if you didn’t like Stallone, Marissa Tomei is note-perfect as the bratty daughter and Tim Curry as the dialect coach is also