
It’s the world’s only car enthusiast site that is somehow also anti-car.

Ah yes, This is the article that broke the bending straw. Jalopnik used to feature cool and quirky cars that definitely didn’t meet emission standards, but not a single person cared about that. Jalopnik is no longer about automobiles, its about making fun of people who are passionate about automobiles and being

LOL, wut?

Fuck off with the sanctimonious posturing. 

Republicans have their shortcomings

It does. I’ve seen exactly one, and it was literally right around the time they went on sale.  It looks very cool, at least to my eyes. 

He was saddled with other expenses.

Did the horse have bus fare?  Neighgative.

Has Apple released a statement blaming the end users for the problem yet?

There is a saying that there are 2 seasons in Utah - Construction and winter.  

Not a terribly helpful suggestion if someone is buying not a Tesla.

Same thing happened to me. Then I got in a used IS250 and it felt like a rocketship by comparison. These toyobarus are the only cars that feel slower than my S2000 (below VTEC).  I'd rather drive a Sentra.

I have no sympathy for Toyota/Subaru when it comes to this car. Potential customers have been screaming for more power from day one. They responded by painting it green and giving it a big wing.  If they don’t want to listen to the market, then their product will fail.  Enthusiasts shouldn’t have to compromise and buy

This makes me sad in the pants.