Forest griffin

Why is it that no writer at any point was ever willing to just commit to Kylo being a villain? He’s a wretched little rat bastard, he doesn’t need redemption just because his grandad did. Just let him be evil!

“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.

You know how sometimes you play Risk, but then it’s like three hours later and no one’s really close to winning and you’re almost out of beer anyway so you just do Rock Paper Scissors (best three out of five) to determine who wins?

Really? This was the weakest episode of the season so far. Heck, last week’s Family Guy vape episode was much better than this. Then you go on to say that last week’s episode of South Park was shaky? What is it about this show that brings out the worse in every AV Club reviewer?

Observation from a non-American:

What do you mean by that? Are you being sarcastic!? Is there an unconscious bias at play? Give me definitive proof that you are thinking what you say you are thinking, even though this is by definition impossible to prove!

I vote that we lock up the South Park guys and submit them to brain-monitoring technology that will tell us exactly what their intentions were when they make the joke, so (1) we will know what the correct reaction to it is, and (2) we will be able to tell minorities how they should feel about it as well.

I’m so confused.
I’m just going to stick with old Jetsons cartoons, they only ever had white people in them.

A highly satirical show, with a twenty-year history of various controversies, claims that one of the least edgy and offensive shows out there is “actually the more racist one of the two”, and you can’t decide if they’re joking or not?


It was clearly a tongue in cheek joke.
I’m sure they realize they have no room to criticize Apu in any serious way, what with their Chinese restaurant guys.

“The fact that nobody can figure out whether its hashtag is serious or not is the point means they haven’t been paying attention for the last 20 years.”

Exactly.  The townspeople were so worried about Mr. Fucking Hankey that they needed a hearing about it, but the school gets shot up everyday and nobody gives a shit.  Who’s the real piece of shit here?  The actual piece of shit or the town’s people?

Jesus tap dancing Christ!! Was this review written in iMessage with absolutely no review whatsoever. What a mess. Besides that, how do you possibly have this job? You clearly are too dense to be able to grasp watching this show. On what planet has South Park ever condoned any PC behavior and said it was commendable?

How do you think that’s the message? I guess it’s an aspect of what they’re saying, but it’s not the core idea. The final moments (before the Simpsons’ payoff) are portrayed with genuine sadness. The music, Hankey riding off in the car, Kyle looking dejected.

It’s endlessly fascinating how “woke” fans of this show are actually trying to spin this episode into something they can agree with. Hankey is portrayed as a literal and figurative piece of shit, but that doesn’t mean the show’s against his existence. They’re clearly portraying the townspeople as socially reactive

I wish I could downvote this to infinity. This is basically an argument that because there is a supernatural or nonrealistic element in the story it means all logic and rules are basically null and void and that’s just not how storytelling and suspension of disbelief works.

honestly these days you cant say anything without someone thinking your offending someone. usually when the person is calling that out, they arnt part of the community they think someone is offending.

That tweet wasn't transphobic.

Here’s my thing: I thnk 7 is a perfectly fine number of FE characters. Melee exposed the series to the wider world and served to catalyze it into a highly valuable Nintendo franchise. Plus, the characters are inherently made for fighting. Seven is fine.

Good to see Teddy finally gave Delores a piece of his mind.