

You sound like Bill Clinton, “I did not have sexual relationships with that woman”

It’s everyone still playing Super Mario Run?

What ever happened to just cutting a few lawns on Saturday morning 


Fight the power

It would be great to start a credit reporting agency.

Meanwhile, users try new ways to pucture batteries.

Rule of thumb: If a developer of a mobile app doesn’t go out of their way to say there won’t be microtransactions, there will be microtransactions. Furthermore, the less willing they are to get into the details of said microtransactions, the shittier their system will be.

It’s a mobile game. Of course it’ll have microtransactions. It’s how they make money.

Saw a video on reddit: guy in the audience asks “Is this an out-of-season April Fool’s joke?”. Blizzard got booed? 

I’m sure they’re not talking about that right now, while they work everything out, but I think it’s basically a foregone conclusion. All we can hope is that they’re basic cosmetic stuff and nothing too blatantly offensive like temporary xp/gold boosters or obscenely priced...though, I have a feeling they’ll put in as

Probably. Most likely.

Given the game it is re-skinned from does (Crusaders of Light), yes, yes it will have MTX.

 So here’s the question (and I’m sorry if it’s been covered somewhere else): Will there be microtransactions?

the idea was hatched thanks to her joke, but it didn’t really take flight until after she talked it through