“He would have died for her,”...
“He would have died for her,”...
What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?
I guess he got a little swept up in the action. At least we know he’s the kind of guy who tips.
64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.
I love your swerve on this: the delicious tears of the grays will keep my hydrated for the next few months.
Dickish non-sequitur:
“I haven’t been properly invested in a season of F1 since 2012...”
Still the fastest thing on The Grid.
I’ve read two theories:
1. It’s simply a continuation of the processes to tighten the boarders against terrorist threats.
2. The US requires people from Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Romania to have a visa. The EU asked the US in 2010 to treat all member states equally. The US said they’d look into it. Nine…
Which utter gimps complained about this before? Local councils here in the U.K. are fricking ridiculous the way they entertain killjoys and spoil things for everyone else.
Elliot Abrams is one of biggest monsters that walks free on this Earth. We are an evil nation to make him part of our government. Thank you Rep. Omar for this. She’s braver than anyone else in Congress.
She tried to run people over with her car. She should never be allowed behind the wheel again. US laws are far too lenient.
This may be the first time in history that 2 actual facts have been presented back-to-back on the internet. #historywasmade
Congratulations, SpaceCop, I see you finally got that transfer to the Fun Police.
One star for your comment, 100 stars for that metaphorical as fuck GIF.
This kid is a dead ringer for Joey Logano.
Usually, I don’t post anything and I read these articles for the sole purpose of listening and understanding because I’m a straight, white dude in his twenties whose life has been sheltered by privilege. I have no idea what racism truly feels like, so I try to read these articles as often as I can to gain an…
“The canards on the SU-37 and similar aircraft like the eurofighter give it a serious edge on maneuvers”
About 1:25. It will never get old watching a Flanker perform a Cobra maneuver. Never.
That’s all you learned? I learned how to drive a manual watching those movies. Sure, some people say shifting 20 times between stoplights is overkill, but they don’t live their life a quarter mile at a time like I do.