Jim Perry

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

I do not currently own a potato and I am upset by this. 

Awe, they are hiding the notch in the renders now?  I am surprised they aren’t fully embracing it and really showcasing it here.


Silly little Ontario. Gitche Gumee never gives up her dead.

With all due respect to the Onion Knight... who gives a shit about Davos in this frame? Do you all see what I see?? I see Ghost. Ghost. That direwolf is about to go HAM and rip multiple Crow’s innards out!! In fact I hope to see Ghost chew ollie into jerky.

Made famous by Terminator?! I think Colonel Jack O’Neill and the rest of SG-1 would have something to say about that. But seriously, not one single mention of the ten-year run of Stargate SG-1, with several establishing shots of Cheyenne Mountain in every episode?

I use MacKeeper. I installed it after a web site told me my performance was slow. That was very nice of the web site.


Just this guy

Yeah, but how do I get rid of JFK’s birthday on May 29th? Someone at Apple inserted it and won’t let anyone get rid of it. Washington and Lincoln I could see having. They actually did something. But all JFK did was appear so weak that we almost got into WWIII over missiles in Cuba.

Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

No love for the Zero Point Module? Not sure exactly how much energy one of these things contains, but in episode Zero Hour a ZPM rigged to explode is described as having enough energy to destroy our entire solar system.

I’ll just leave this here:

I like how apparently in Egyptian mythology, it is often the goddesses that will frell you up.

the best whiskey stone: none

Back in my day we didn't have all these fancy search motors to look for a particular kind of filth. We just searched for BOOBS and we liked it and it was good enough! Damn kids and their fancy pants porns!!!

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon