
A TV or film writer would have the script rejected as being too far-fetched. The reactions of fear, laughter, disbelief and disgust from our allies will be legion.

Jesus christ, the debates between those two are going to be an absolute shitshow, aren’t they?

Classic cop move. They do that when they can tell you’re distressed so you become even more agitated. The goal is to get you to say or do something that gives them the green light to be violent with you.

over cooked white rice always sticks together

Then why was she asked to show it? She was asked to show it because Karen assumed she didn’t have one. Once she showed it, that should have been the end of it. But without a reason she shouldn’t have been asked in the first place. She should have been afforded the same peace as the white guests had.

Most white women have very little of anything in their lives. This is drama. Drama makes the day shorter.

It’s like she wanted to lose her job in a pandemic, try to find another job with her bullshit and her publicity now.

Even more so, why aren’t people who call the police for trash like this arrested?

I mean, why are they such fuckin know-it-all, busybody bitches?!?!?! Goodness gracious it’s exhausting....

This shit is the new MOBA. Amazon has more money than god and somehow can’t figure this shit out. 

The risk and possible return of investment must be low and high enough respectively means that we only see the same shit over and over again.

Here’s an idea...

Maybe not EVERYTHING needs to be a hero shooter or battle royale or even multiplayer. We have Overwatch, we have Fortnite, we have Apex Legends, and we have many, many, many, many, many, many, many, too goddamn many others of all kinds of shapes and sizes all competing for the same audience. That

You can frame it as only an opinion, but hate speech has consequences. Already it’s been used as justification to prevent protection to trans people in the states and the UK. Already it’s caused an uptick in hate towards trans people online and in real life. You’re worried about people having to move from one game to

In case anyone here was still under the impression that JK Rowling isn’t a transphobe, she recently unfollowed Stephen King and deleted her tweets supporting him after he came out saying trans women are women.

What is it with living in prolonged luxury and decadence from wealth that it gradually turns you into a monster?

Iit's all lack of feelings.   The cruelty is the point.

What is that gif from?  I need to know the context of it.

He’ll claim that he had the Resolute Desk custom made to his specifications and that he paid for it out of pocket. Everything else he tries to abscond with will be considered things he feels he’s “owed”.

Conservatives care not about logic or facts.