
For those looking for a massive space opera a la Endgame: Mass Effect!

Panel de Pon is a welcome addition (first official release in the Americas under that name; it was called Tetris Attack in its previous SNES incarnation). And Operation Logic Bomb is a forgotten game, so that’s nice.

I’m still perplexed that they haven’t made any of the Donkey Kong Country titles available (legal

Considering we’re all stuck at home and it takes absolutely no effort for Nintendo to upload these games, you’d think they could stand to be a little more generous.

I absolutely loved watching Mysteries and In Search Of as a kid. I would say In Search Of was the slightly better of the two, if only because it had a more documentary feel to it, thanks in part to Nimoy’s narration.If anyone her is still into this kind of stuff, Bedtime Stories is a fun channel worth checking out.

The most impactful episode of Unsolved Mysteries for me was pretty mundane. It was about an Asian-American (Hawaiian American?) who was serving in WWII and was getting bullied by other soldiers for looking Japanese.

Too much unsupervised viewing of Unsolved Mysteries as a kid probably explains a lot of my interest in the macabre.

A remake of Mario RPG in the same graphical style as the Link’s Awakening remake would be awesome! I’d settle for that in a heart beat. Toss in a retro SNES edition complete with cardboard box and printed manual, and I’d be throwing money at it.

I gave up on a followup like 20 years ago. I just want an HD remake at this point (Maybe preferably cell shaded).

I really wish Nintendo would do a proper Super Mario RPG follow-up.

“But you said you wanted bipartisanship!”

They use the “war on terror” and the “war on drugs” to justify a lot, don’t they? 

Yeah, these demos are like concept cars.  They’re neat to “ooh” and “ahh” over, but no one outside the team making them will ever get to drive them.  

Optimization? What is this, 1995? Just throw 40 gigs of uncompressed sound in there whydontcha?

He’s basically the Ryan Seacrest of video games and that’s not really a bad thing.

IMO Xenoblade Chronicles DE should also count as a first party game. The developer Monolith Soft is owned by Nintendo.

Nintendo said they are still putting something out this summer, just not right when E3 was going to happen.

To be honest, I think this year was going to be a light one for first party games from Nintendo and they are going to get to conveniently use Covid as an excuse. We have no first party release dates - Animal

The one thing that’s been consistent about Directs is that they’re consistenty inconsistent.

Sounds like a planned lynching.

My fiance told me about this last night. Not only were we both shocked/not-shocked, we contemplated what we would do in a similar situation, being white.

My 7-year-old self was very frightened of Gremlins. That scene where the science teacher sticks his hand  under the table and the gremlin crunches on it gave me nightmares for a week.