
She did. They arrested her for arson because she lit it up with those hot moves.

You or your wife deeper than a glass of water?

That is truly unfortunate. My wife owns a Focus ST, and she’s even got a license plate that reads “SLOWPOKE”. She’s OK with me getting a Focus RS, even if that means we have 2 hot hatch Focus’s (Focii?) in the house.

Seriously, your wife is that caught up in herself where she thinks people are judging her because you drive a lowly Focus? Yep, you’ll fit right in with the Porsche crowd.

:O I made Jalopnik?! Very cool, thanks for the love! Here’s a few pictures, too.

The Duke boys would approve

Indeed they do!

Can I offer a bounty to the Jalopnik writers? I would gladly pay $25 to the next jalopnik contributor to crash a demo car at a launch. The price is doubled for crashing into a second demo car.

It's called the General mayhem.

There were rules agreed upon. Most significant transgression was 1000 lbs of weight loss.

AKA The General Mayhem.