
I deeeeeeply need a gif of that happy, faux helpless shrub Yara gives when Ellaria is putting the moves on her

Yeah, I'll try it but I thought the first season was perfect as a self-contained horror.

Great review except for one thing - Lily is not "a militant feminist many decades before such a term would ever be used". There were many suffragettes at the time who believed in the superiority of women and used violence to achieve their goals. May I recommend "The Suffragette Bombers: Britain's Forgotten Terrorists"

Donald Trump. You would put Donald Trump on that flag. ;)

I think that even though he did some pretty shitty things to her, she feels some modicum of gratitude towards him for bringing her to life. Not a lot. She doesn't LIKE him or want to be around him. She might even hate him mostly. But I think she feels some obligation to give him a warning rather than just murdering

That's a big nopity nope on "nice guy" John Clare. He's the archetype of the dude who is sweet, courteous, and romantic and then feels entitled to a woman's affections just because he's not a jerk to her, and then immediately becomes a dangerous and violent jerk the moment he doesn't get what he wants. A woman not

I loved this episode and the vulva-tastic art designs from Frankie. But businesswise, branding so completely for women means they are losing out on a big market share. Women (and vaginas) are not the only ones who need a good, yam based personal lubricant.

Yeah, do we think that was a one time thing or was it happening on the reg, just not shown?

So far the thing that's made me smile most today is your screenname/avatar. It's been a long day and I literally cannot stop giggling at it.

Wow, once I start thinking about it there is really a lot. West Wing converted me to a liberal and crystallized some of my strongest political beliefs. I realized I was bisexual while watching Pitch Perfect 2 while drunk and this was confirmed by watching Lost Girl while sober. A Wizard of Earthsea helped me face my

The West Wing made me a liberal.

When I binged the second season of House of Cards, my husband was just generally around but he made us go out for BBQ ribs that night because Frank just wouldn't shut up about it.

Star Trek made me an atheist… although it took a couple decades. Really, science fiction as whole, with it's underlying sense of humanism and acceptance of others eroded the fundamentalist faith I was raised in. But there's one moment in Star Trek V, where Kirk is arguing with Bones about the "God" creature and says,

Seriously. I mean is she not at all concerned about her other children? I feel that's more a failure of the writing (they needed her to do something egregious enough that they would have to move so Mason can take the farm) than anything else.

To some degree I do get where they are going with that, but I feel for it to have the desired impact I think they would need to have some sidelined female character POV to counterbalance it. As it is I feel it ends up feeding into the male power narrative more than subverting it.

Perhaps underused isn't the best word in all cases (although Carla Gugino's character has been criminally neglected), but perhaps just… not prominent enough. ALL the lead roles are filled by men, and with the exception of one female character in the Situation room all the people in positions of power or command have

Thank you for saying that! It is totally farce, and if the reviewer couldn't figure that out while Michelle Gomez was capturing Navy Pilots to live out a kinky sex fantasy or John Laroquette was mulling the omens of Revelation, then maybe they should review a different show. It hasn't been consistently well executed,

I agree, it took awhile to find it's footing but the last couple episodes have been great! Yes, the female characters are under-used and that's a serious problem. But the pacing has been good lately, and Tim Robbins and John Laroquette have been totally brilliant. Also Michelle Gomez was in it and she's frickin'

Interesting. I was taught that it wasn't about Abraham's faith at all, but the Hebrew God making a pointed distinction between himself and all the other local gods who commonly required human sacrifices.

Yeah, not telling Thea that there was a plan to have Roy take Oliver's place in jail, and that they had a plan to get him out, and letting her think that he was a) doomed to prison for life and then b) DEAD is lying to Thea. Just because later you're gonna tell her that her boyfriend isn't actual dead, doesn't mean