Yeah, no. I don’t know what kind of magical, dwarven-crafted CD player you had in your car, but I’ve tried them in half a dozen cars and found myself wondering why I even bothered, every single time.
Yeah, no. I don’t know what kind of magical, dwarven-crafted CD player you had in your car, but I’ve tried them in half a dozen cars and found myself wondering why I even bothered, every single time.
Run the hot exhaust over a couple of Stirling engines and you’d get it even more efficient, too.
Servicing the A/C every 2 years is standard practice for most cars; there’s still a compressor, refrigerant, and oil that needs taking care of regardless of whether it’s an electric or ICE car.
Regarding his third point with the throttle response, many modern cars use a ‘torque based’ input-output system that boils down to the same basics of electric motors: throttle input is (as best as can be managed with an ICE) matched to the expected torque output of the motor.
Actually, it’s the same situation in Australia - you’re expected to buy your own tools and toolboxes.
Nowhere in this budget do I see any plans to bring back the Iowa-class BBs back into service. Sad!
“Do you ever feel bad when people buy something they shouldn’t have?”
Why is this on Jalopnik?
“They completed the car, which looked like the star of a good Mad Max prequel, in the parking lot of Westech Performance, with just the two guys over two days...”
Now, I won’t argue about the Impala’s tire-shredding, ear-bleeding awesomeness, but I will disagree the fuck out of this statement.
Now I might be missing the point of the article here, but why not just hook your phone up or pop in a CD/cassette/wax phonograph cylinder and play the music that you want to hear?
Heyo, don’t worry about capitalizing ute like ya did, it’s not an acronym, just a shorter way of saying Utility Vehicle.
I’ve driven a huge variety of cars over the past few years and found that very, very few of them have a good pedal arrangement for true ‘heel-toe’ shifting. What works for me is braking using the ball of my foot and moving the accelerator pedal using the outermost side of my foot. I have pretty average sized feet, so…
Australia, yeah.
Speaking as a mechanic, aside from the occasional need for them in 4WD and large pickups, I’d be quite happy for common rail diesel to die off completely in the passenger car market.
fuck yeh straight up 180 and 360's aussie pride way to do burnouts on a small narrow street and a perfect location fuck the neighbors its australia we have the right to do this shit its a free country and a perfect time and nice control love it aussie style good on ya mate
Counterpoint: Fury Road was an amazing, visceral, immersive, and utterly stunning experience, but I don’t want Fury Road 2: Electric Boogaloo. The Mad Max franchise has a proven track record of the sequel being head and shoulders above the first movie (The Road Warrior is amazing, you can’t deny it), and taken to its…