
they usually do commentary, but the end scene literally broke their mind.

Considering the previous sentence, I thought Combs’ “it sucks” means that it’s not the show that sucks but the fact that they aren’t involved in the reboot and that the network kind of threw the original aside.

Even better

Wait, you stopped Ring Fit after only a week or so? You’re missing out on the entire experience. That’s a real long-term workout. Unless you’re hitting up a gym, jogging, or playing some sport most days of the week, it will only do you a lot of good.

Wha? Amiibos are $15. Are you saying you think people would spend $100 t0 display the racecar?

I’d be inclined to agree if that joke wasn’t so ham-fisted into that short (which you wouldn’t be able to gather from just looking at stills).

Hence the shutdown. 

Cheap difficult is not fun. Specially when there is almost nothing new or exciting in the game.

“I haven’t seen one since 1989, but here’s why you’re stupid for liking them...”

People have criticisms for a mediocre action game with a severely lacking multiplayer that cost $60 at launch. Wow.

...this ain’t it fam. Fun to control heroes don’t mean shit if the shit around them sucks ass. That’s like putting Kratos in Bubsy 3D. Sure, it'd be fun at first throwing the axe and whipping the chains around, but the game around him would absolutely suck. Characters don't mean shit for content if there is no other

First, dehumanizing people is gross, no matter the reason. Shitty humans are not inhuman, they’re shitty humans.

To be fair, most of the franchises that have shown up have basically already turned themselves into jokes long before showing up in MK.

NY’er here where its also a problem. There are a million bajillion things they could be doing than spending what little money they have on racing their loud, annoying bikes down the street, disrupting traffic.

Yeah, no. Those dirt bikes are a noisy, irritating, traffic blocking and disrupting scourage and plague in our neighborhoods. Not sure why the fuck anyone would want to spend an hour watching and caring about them in any meaningful way. 

Dirt bike culture, my ass. Those things are a public nuisance.

How do I match the correct ones when they all look the same!

Except that it wasn’t a “rip off” of Tamagotchi. They were both made by Bandai. Digimon was created for boys because Tamagotchi was more catered towards girls.

Compromise: Parts of the movie were great. I’m not going to choose which ones.

I came here to say this but knew in my heart it had already been said.