
It’s a fun drop in, drop out game, perfect for rounding off a game night since people can just leave whenever they want without impacting the experience of playing dramatically, and in a group that understands each other’s own sensibilities and funny bones, it’s an absolute hoot. I completely understand people that

and even more people who don’t also like that stuff, but hey good job being close minded and judgemental

You come off like the fun police

Isn’t this just your opinion? I personally dislike Melee, even though it’s the game I’ve played the most with friends. It’s janky, exploitable and not nearly as much fun as Ultimate.

I personally don’t agree regarding Melee feeling the best to play. In fact, when I went back and played every game in the series, Melee was actually the one that felt the worst to play. It just feels clunky even compared to Smash 64. 


Here’s the thing. Melee is a good game to play casually. It’s really neat. Competitively, it’s miserable. You have to break the game and your fingers to compete at a competent level. And most of the people who want this aren’t casually playing this.

Let it go!

Nearly every country I visited (worked for several nation and international airlines) has extreme racist views towards different groups of people within their country. We are probably the most advanced culture as far as tolerance and diversity. The other day a new girlfriend of one of my childhood best buds who is

If you subject yourself to something you know doesn’t respect you its harder for me to have sympathy.

He seems very touchy about crunch whenever it’s brought up.

This being the Druckmann who only last week took a swipe at Schreier for dating to suggest comparison of the game to a Holocaust film is a tad unsavoury and since launch has been making rather passive-aggressive digs at audience reception to the game?

Uck you, Druckmann.

You’re not alone there. And they did the same thing with Assassin’s Creed’s Altair when they announced his Mii Fighter outfit. Though the kicker is that Vault Boy’s reveal was not a simple highlight clip, so it felt even weirder that they didn’t name drop the title.

I agree with this. Toy Story 4 is gorgeous, and has got some clever new ideas, but doesn’t fully explore those ideas as well as it could have. The movie is quite good for what it is, but it’s hard for me to evaluate it in isolation, because the biggest emotional beats it swings for are informed by our relationship to

Did anyone else think it was weird the screen showed Smash Bros Ultimate x Vault Boy instead of Smash Bros Ultimate x Fallout? Has 76 destroyed Fallout’s rep that hard?

Bethesda’s already beaten up that franchise harder than Smash ever could

Nah remember? They ported that iOS version to Steam and people didn’t like it. So that means there’s no interest in a Final Fantasy 6 remake.

Would any of this really be a problem if the gaming industry wouldn’t put undue value into these scores? As a consumer it’s easy to get meaning from this, since the string discrepancy between user score and metascore is a signal that something is going on and that one should find an article on what’s happening here.