
I fail to see how Gearbox “just letting it die” is going to make Bobby Prince stop sueing them. The whole point of the lawsuit seems to be that Apogee failed to take responsibility for settling this issue with Bobby in accordance with their agreement and instead is trying to dump him off on Gearbox.

It seems familiar to me as well.

They’ll probably stick to what they know, unless they have their own studio in the works.

I would just love to see them let smaller studios in. The appeal of Star Wars games wasn’t that they were always giant, block buster titles, but that there was such a solid variety of them.

You have to look at what the reviews are actually saying. Even many of the most glowingly positive reviews have straight up said that the game isn’t “fun.” Maybe you like games that are more punishing than fun, but I don’t.

Did you see where the Naughty Dog CEO is going after game journalists for making fun of that comparison and acting like they’re the ones in bad taste and not the original reviewer for making that comparison seriously as a positive? It’s hilarious.

I really wish Disney gave the license to different studios and not just EA. We could have had so many better games by now.

I’m enjoying the Twitter backlash against TLOU2 myself.

Also, a reminder that all western Sony studios seem to be run this way, and they don’t seem to have a good boss or interest in introspection or changing among the lot.

Just a reminder that Druckmann is thin skinned piece of shit that runs his employees into thebthe ground but can’t take a joke.

Piledriver is Randy Savage’s best performance ever. 

The Three R’s:

Space Ghost’s little “Amazing.” while Yan is “relaxing” the chicken just kills me.

You magnificent bastard! I really regret being broke as hell when they were selling the online only ones and had the Make Your Own available. It also meant I missed my chance to get the 12 oz Mouse DVD, dammit!

Shut your piehole, Blip! Why, twenty years ago I would’ve put your head in a half-nelson, twisted it around, saying each letter of the alphabet on every turn, and when I reached the first letter of my true love’s name—that would be the lovely Elizabeth—I would yank your head clean off and roll it down the pike like a

Thank you for practicing common sense.

So you think that cops should always be portrayed as pure EEEEEEEVIL in fictional media? No thanks chief.

Hardline was a good game and not on the “wrong side of history” at all troll.

So what if they said the cops and SWAT teams could be cool? Some of that equipment is pretty dope, I just wish it was used more

Isn't Jefferson a police officer? Or was that just in the Spiderverse movie?

I’m kind of at a loss as to where to start with this article. How about this-my underlying assumption is and has been that law enforcement needs to change how it interacts with the black community, but most cops are just like us: Hard-working, good people. T

How about just no. Their games, their creations, their decisions. Though they’ll probably do it because people will bitch and moan and threaten with boycots and other shit.

Its an alternative dimension where police do their jobs. Not our reality so I see no problem in how they do things.