

Valid points. But he's apparently been doing this intensely for 6 years. There's no discernible "voice" or vaguely interesting technique in his work that I can see. It's all amateurish pastiche. Maybe that will change with even more time.

Agreed. If I got this stuff in a portfolio submission, it'd go in the "nope" pile. Go to any High School art-show and you'll see tons of work at this level.

Jeezus. If I looked like that I would be insufferable.


Is he?

TO EXPAND: I realize in retrospect that my initial comment comes across as snotty and dismissive. Apologies.

I'm a giver.

From my earliest memory, I have always despised the music of the Beach Boys. I can't even explain why.

Cauliflower is gross.

"That's not actually a refutation of the argument."

There is less distance between those choices than one would hope.

The one time I heard that song, it didn't kill me but the abdominal cramping was quite severe.

What an irretrievably stupid perspective.

And my point is that there is a difference between pretending to shit in a sandbox as opposed to actually dropping a sad little turd made up of your own gross damage.

Do you have a cute nick-name for your tedious strawmen, too?

🎶 At Denny's, we're always open. So that means we never clean 🎶

Right? Trust-fund "photographers" all hang out in dive bars around here.


the fuck is wrong with you?